Ferguson, Briana Lynn2018-05-302018-05-302017https://hdl.handle.net/10365/28181Piglets that are born with low viability have increased mortality during early life, result in increased labor by personnel and potential animal welfare concerns. Producers focused on improving ovulation rates with the outcome of increased number of piglets with the average of piglets born increasing from 8.0 pigs/litter/sow to 10.3 pigs/litter/sow (NASS, 2016). This may not be advantageous, as number of piglets born per litter increased the weight of each piglet decreased. It is hypothesized this is due to decreased uterine blood flow available per piglet in larger litters, resulting in lower viability piglets at birth. Two studies with the intent of improving uterine blood flow will be discussed. The first study will investigate how pharmaceuticals could enhance uterine blood flow in the gilt. The second study will discuss the postnatal outcome of offspring, who experienced greater umbilical blood flows, born from dams that were exercised during gestation.NDSU policy 190.6.2https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/policy/190.pdfMeat -- QualitySwineUterine circulationUnderstanding the Role of Uterine Blood Flow on Offspring Development and Meat Quality in SwineThesis