2009-05-312009-05-311982https://hdl.handle.net/10365/4736In 1981, North Dakota was the US leader in sunflower seed production. Prior research on sunflower seeds did not indicate the nutritional value of hybrid flowers with oil content. The article covers three trials. Steers that received sunflowers gained weight more quickly. Their coats were richer and fuller. However, there is a cap of 1 pond of oil seeds per day without inferring with their digestive systems. Those heifers fed three pounds of sunflower seed never consumed as much feed. It was concluded that sunflowers should be fed as an energy supplement rather than a protein supplement. While high in protein, high oil sunflower seeds were a poor protein supplement for cattle.North Dakota State UniversityFeedsSunflowerSunflower Seeds in Rations for Beef CattleArticle