2009-05-012009-05-012009-05-011977https://hdl.handle.net/10365/3864Safflower is an annual oilseed crop that has been adapted to North Dakota. In the past, seeding rates were based upon establishing a stand of safflower which would maximize crop competition with weeds. Safflower seedling growth is slow up to 21 days while in the 'rosette stage. Therefore, the control of weeds during this stage is critical. With more herbicide application, the need to evaluate lower seeding rates became apparent to minimize seed costs. In 1974, a trial on this topic was conducted. It was discovered that seeding 15 pounds per acre live seed will maximize yields and test weight of safflower seeded in solid seedings (6 to 12 inch row spacing). Plant height wasn't affected by seeding rate. Oil content was highest when planted 15-20 pounds per acre.North Dakota State UniversitySowingAlternative cropsProper Seeding Rate for SafflowerArticle