Holien, Jennifer D.2023-03-292023-03-292005https://hdl.handle.net/10365/33092Western Minnesota and especially North Dakota are areas with little variation in their landscapes. These areas (on average) can be categorized as flat and with a few rolling hills in western North Dakota and in western Minnesota. The Red River Valley is considered to be the best farm land in practically the whole country, but to visitors it is just the wide open plains. That is where the idea of an arboretum can come into play. It is a way to enhance and develop an area once thought of as plain into an area of interest and a way to set a standard for new, revitalized landscapes. By providing this area with a year round garden center and arboretum it will be the first step in making this region a focal point for the idea of landscape. By tying an arboretum into a garden center setting will also bring pedestrian traffic in from around the region to visually experience and perceive the different seasons. This is also a way to bring revenue into the garden center by enticing visitors to bring a piece of the landscape home with them and incorporate into their own gardens.NDSU policy 190.6.2https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/policy/190.pdfGarden centers (Retail trade) -- North Dakota -- Grand Forks.A Trail Through the Seasons: All Seasons Garden Center and ArboretumThesis