Moen, Zachariah2018-05-302018-05-302018 project is a tribute to all those who have lost their lives due to the inevitabilities of war, innocent death and sacrifice both foreign and domestic, a monumental memorial to the lives of friends, families, homes, nations, ideals, soldiers, and so much more. The intent is to stitch together the memory of what we, as people of a global society, have lost in the form of multiple, internationally located monuments integral to their particular location and story within history and its culture.NDSU Policy 190.6.2War memorialsMonuments.World War, 1939-1945 -- MonumentsWorld War, 1939-1945 -- Museums.Memorialization.Berlin (Germany)Hiroshima-shi (Japan)Chicago (Ill.)Trace. Trope. Transcend: A Monument to the Memory of what Global Society has Lost due to the Inescapable Attributes of WarThesis