McArthur, Rachel Ione2015-05-192015-05-192015 common wheat ‘Chinese Spring’ (CS)-Thinopyrum junceum addition lines and three common wheat ‘Fukuhokomuji’(Fuku)-Elymus rectisetus addition lines were characterized and verified as disomic additions of a Th. junceum or E. rectisetus chromosome in the wheat backgrounds by fluorescent genomic in situ hybridization (FGISH). A1048 contained segregating E. rectisetus chromosomes. Seven partial CS-Th. junceum amphiploids were identified to combine Th. junceum chromosomes with CS chromosomes. Various CS-Th. junceum disomic addition lines were determined to contain Th. junceum chromosomes in homoeologous groups 1, 2, 4 and 5 by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and storage protein analysis. The disomic addition lines A1026 and A1057 were identified to carry an E. rectisetus chromosome in group 1 and A1034 in group 5. A1048 contained E. rectisetus chromosomes from groups 1-6. Several Th. junceum chromosomes in the addition lines were found to contain genes for resistance to Fusarium head blight.NDSU policy 190.6.2 -- Disease and pest resistance -- Genetic aspects.Plant genomes.Homoeology of Thinopyrum Junceum and Elymus Rectisetus Chromosomes to Wheat and Disease Resistance Conferred by the Thinopyrum and Elymus Chromosome in WheatMaster's paper