Koens, Nathan Alan2019-05-242019-05-242019https://hdl.handle.net/10365/29791Kinesio® Tape could potentially be an intervention to improve excessive pronation of the foot. This research project investigated the effect Kinesio® Tape has on the navicular drop test and joint kinematics through 3D motion analysis in recreational runners. Twenty volunteers with an NDT greater than 10 mm ran two separate half-miles, one receiving a mechanical Kinesio® Tape technique and the other with a sham Kinesio® Tape technique. NDT measurements were taken immediately on arrival, immediately after Kinesio® Tape application, and immediately after the half-mile with Kinesio® Tape still applied. 3D motion analysis measured gait kinematics during the half-miles. NDT scores for the tension trials were statistically significantly lower when compared to the sham trials. 3D motion analysis captured six cases of statistical significance, however tape did not change the joint angles. Therefore, Kinesio® Tape improved the amount of pronation of the foot but only slightly improved gait kinematics.Evaluating the Effectiveness of Kinesio® Tape as an Intervention for Recreational Runners who PronateThesis