Lovelace, Kiley Michelle2023-01-172023-01-172022 purpose of this paper is to examine both the prevalence of patellar tendinopathy (PT) in athletic populations and the effectiveness of Graston Technique® as a treatment for PT. Since PT is a common injury seen among athletes, it is important for clinicians to understand the condition and how common it is within athletics, especially those that involve an increased amount of jumping and landing such as volleyball or basketball. Graston Technique® is a popular treatment option among clinicians for various musculoskeletal injuries, including tendinopathies such as PT. Therefore, it is imperative for clinicians to understand the research surrounding Graston Technique as a treatment for PT to ensure the best treatment plan for patients with the condition.NDSU policy 190.6.2 Prevalence of Patellar Tendinopathy in Athletic Populations and the Effectiveness of Graston Technique as a Patellar Tendinopathy TreatmentMaster's Paper