Hillukka, Daniel2019-08-232019-08-232010https://hdl.handle.net/10365/30675This research focuses primarily on the functionality of software, specifically Rhinoceros (McNeel & Assoc.) and a few associated PlugIns (Grasshopper, Rhino Assembly, RhinoParametrics), to create and control a model to study the effects of modulation of space. Has technology been completely utilized in addressing comfort maintenance within a dwelling space? Historically abilities to influence temperature change within a space have been relegated to passive systems and more recently completely active means of control. Technological advances have raised significant questions towards methods and means for this control. Through use of 3D models and simulations the topic of climate maintenance in spatial conditions were addressed using environmental controls. Thus modulation of the climate as well as the space could simultaneously occur to create a radically different space of habitation.Constructs of Operable Architecture: Climate Optimization by Volumetric Adjustmenttext/working paper