2009-10-062009-10-061989https://hdl.handle.net/10365/6327The authors discuss the reasons for the creation of the Conservation Reserve Program in North Dakota. Shortages in the 1970's and surpluses of agricultural commodities in the 1980's due to excess capacity along with increased awareness of soil and water conservation issues resulted in the the need for long-term land retirement. A study was undertaken to determine key characteristics of CRP participants in North Dakota and to assess the short-run economic impacts of the program. This study focused on the economic impact due to changing land use from crops to permanent cover in North Dakota. CRP participant survey information and secondary data were used along with the North Dakota Input-Output model to estimate the impact of CRP on the state's economy. It was concluded that the program had many positive impacts. However, the primary negative effect of the program rests with its impact on rural communities and businesses, a detrimental but unavoidable side effect of the resource adjustment.North Dakota State UniversityThe Conservation Reserve Program in North Dakota: Characteristics of Landowners and Economic ImpactArticle