Sitorski, Leonardo Gomes2019-01-222019-01-222018 dietary protein may affect MP use because of energetic costs of excreting excess N. Amino acids also may influence post-ruminal digestion. Therefore, two experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of MP intake and post-ruminal flow of AA on growth performance and pancreatic digestive enzymes. In experiment 1, treatments supplied different amounts of MP intake to cattle and the effects on growth performance and feeding behavior were evaluated. In experiment 2, duodenal infusion of glutamate or casein was examined and the effects on pancreatic enzymes were measured. Experiment 1 suggests that feeding steers 906 g MP/d in finishing diets supplied enough MP for the greatest growth performance and carcass characteristics. Interestingly, MP intake caused different responses on feeding behavior with greater effects on steers fed 626 and 1444 g MP/d. In experiment 2, casein infusion increased α-amylase activity but not trypsin activity. Glutamate did not influence pancreatic digestive enzymes.NDSU policy 190.6.2 cattle -- Feeding and feeds.Proteins in animal nutrition.Amino acids in animal nutrition.Beef cattle -- Metabolism.Beef cattle -- Feed utilization efficiency.The Effects of Metabolizable Protein Intake and Post-Ruminal Flow of Amino Acids on Growth Performance and Pancreatic Digestive Enzymes in SteersThesis