Database Search Tips

Cass County, Divorce and Civil Case Database

ex. - The researcher is looking for information on Melvina Massey


  • Enter +Melvina +Massey in the Names search box
  • Select if you are searching for Plaintiffs & Defendants, Attorneys only or Attorneys, Plaintiffs & Defendants
  • Select if you want to search divorce or all cases
  • Place in date ranges to narrow your search
  • Click on search results

Fargo Forum Newspaper Index

Single term searching: If searching on a single word, simply enter that word. For example: “police” finds all records containing the word police

Multiple term searching: If searching on two or more words, adding a + in front of each word finds only the records containing all the requested words.

Example: +police +Fargo – finds only records with both words
Example: police Fargo – (without the plus sign) finds any records containing the words

Spectrum Newspaper Index

This database allows researchers to search by Author or Keyword and limit results by year.

Single term searching: If searching on a single word or phrase, simply enter that word or phrase in the keyword search. For example: “Engineers dance” finds all records containing the word Engineers dance

Multiple term searching: If searching on two or more words, adding a + in front of each word finds only the records containing all the requested words.

Example: +Engineers +dance – finds only records with both words
Example: Engineers dance – (without the plus sign) finds any records containing the words

1885 Census Database

ex. - The researcher is looking for John M. Smith in Cass County in the 1885 census


  • Enter +Smith +"John M." in name search box
    • To narrow search enter county if known
  • Click on search results

Cass County, Marriage License Index

ex. - The researcher is looking for the marriage license for John Anderson and Hilda Borde. The researcher is not certain how Hilda’s maiden name was spelled.


  • In the first name box enter Hilda and click on Exact Match
  • In the last name box enter Bor and click on Begins With
  • Click on search

Cass County, Probate Records Databases

ex. - The researcher is looking for a probate record for John M. Anderson


  • In the first name box enter John M. and click on Exact Match
  • In the last name box enter Anderson and click on Exact Match
  • Click on search

North Dakota Naturalization Records Index

ex. - The researcher is looking for Arne Bjorke’s naturalization record and is not certain what which county he was naturalized in.


  • In name box enter Bjorke, Arne
  • In the Country of Origin enter Norway
  • Click on search

The database automatically wild cards the names

North Dakota Biography Index

ex. - The researcher is looking for information on Norman Bjork


  • In the last name box enter Bjork and click on Exact Match
  • In the First name box enter Norman and click on Exact Match
  • Click on search

The Record, 1895-1905

This database allows researchers to search by Keyword or browse by Subjects

Single term searching: If searching on a single word, simply enter that word. For example: “police” finds all records containing the word police

Multiple term searching: If searching on two or more words, adding a + in front of each word finds only the records containing all the requested words.

Example: +police +Fargo – finds only records with both words
Example: police Fargo – (without the plus sign) finds any records containing the words

Fargo Forum Obituaries

ex. - The researcher is looking for Olafe Bjorke’s obituary and is not certain what which county he died in.


  • In Last Name box enter Bjorke and click on Exact Match
  • In the First name box enter Olafe and click on Exact Match
  • Click on search

Bison Briefs Index

This database allows researchers to search by Keyword and limit results by year.

Single term searching: If searching on a single word or phrase, simply enter that word or phrase in the keyword search. For example: “homecoming football” finds all records containing the word homecoming football

Multiple term searching: If searching on two or more words, adding a + in front of each word finds only the records containing all the requested words.

Example: +homecoming +football – finds only records with both words
Example: homecoming football – (without the plus sign) finds any records containing the words

It’s Happening at State Index

This database allows researchers to search by Keyword and limit results by year.

Single term searching: If searching on a single word or phrase, simply enter that word or phrase in the keyword search. For example: “homecoming football” finds all records containing the word homecoming football

Multiple term searching: If searching on two or more words, adding a + in front of each word finds only the records containing all the requested words.

Example: +homecoming +football – finds only records with both words
Example: homecoming football – (without the plus sign) finds any records containing the words

Lawrence Welk Musical Arrangements Index

The Lawrence Welk Arrangements Index allows researchers to search by Title as well as browse by Title, Performers and Arrangers.

Term searching: If searching on a single word in a song title, simply enter that word in the Title search box. for example: love will return results with the term love in the song title.

Please Note: Quotations around a phrase do not work in this particular database. For a phrase search simply type the phrase in the Title search box without quotations. For example if you are looking for the song title Bye Bye Blues type in the Title search box bye bye or bye bye blues.