Elliott Hotel

Elliott Hotel.

In the 1885 Fargo city directory, Peter Elliott is listed as owning a restaurant at 611 N.P. Avenue. It was located in a three story wood frame building housing the Stanton House hotel. By 1887 the building is listed as the Elliott House, with Peter Elliott as proprietor. This building burned in the Fargo fire of June 7, 1893. The day after the fire Mr. Elliott put up two big tents, one for a kitchen and one for a dining room, and meals were served by the Elliott Hotel staff to those stricken by the fire. After the fire, Peter Elliott, Harry O’Neill, and I. P. Clapp formed a syndicate and constructed the Syndicate Block, located at 64-74 Broadway. Most of the upper floor of this building was constructed for use as hotel rooms, and the first level was used for commercial space, and the office and dining room for the hotel. In 1899 an addition called the Elliott Hotel Annex was built at 608-612 1st Avenue N. Mr. Elliott continued to operate the hotel until 1923, when he sold his part of the property to A. L. Moody, who immediately leased the hotel and stores. Clarence Dahl is listed as proprietor of both the Elliott Hotel and the Hotel Dacotah in the Fargo city directories from 1924 to 1930. After 1930 the Elliott Hotel is no longer listed.

Elliot Hotel.