Roxy Theater

Roxy Theater.

The Roxy, located at 117 Broadway, opened on Monday, March 7, 1932. At its opening, the theater ran continuous movie shows from noon to 11pm. Adult prices were 15¢ for a matinee and 20¢ in the evening. Children were 10¢ at all times. On the day of its opening, the Roxy featured "Bad Girl." This "emotional drama for all grownups" starred Sally Eilers as the "bad girl" and James Dunn as the "bad girl's sweetheart."

The Roxy marquee can be seen just below and right of the "No U Turn"sign in the real photograph postcard to the right.

The Roxy was still operating in the late 1950's. I don't know what happened to it. My recollection of the Roxy (just a few doors down from Osco Drug) was that it was a small theater. It had two outside rows of two seats and a center section of about ten. It didn't hold many people but it was a nice little theater.

In 1977, the theater was known as the Broadway Theater.