Other Campus Buildings

Panoramic view of campus.

The view above faces east and was likely photographed from the roof of the Science Hall. The Library is on the right; Old Main in the center with Ceres Hall behind it; and the Engineering Building is on the left. The large open space between Old Main and Engineering was the site of the original Chemistry building.

Panoramic view of campus.

The panorama above is facing northeast. On the left is the Science Building. In the center is the Engineering Building with the new Chemistry Building in the background. Just to the right of the Engineering building is a small unknown building with Festival Hall in the center right. To the far right are grouped the Library (in the foreground), Old Main, and Ceres Hall. Thanks to Victoria Santiago for her help with the image above.

Old Main.

The image of Old Main on the right is interesting from two aspects. First is the long line of people entering. Second is the old Chemistry Building to the left, clearly dating this image 1908-1909.