Richard Bostwick Reminiscences

Home Page

Welfare Office Stories
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Cab Driving Stories
The Way It Was - 1930
The Gambler And His Gal 1927
The Last One To Know 1926
Just A Couple Of Hustlers 1925
Cash On Delivery 1923
One Born Every Minute 1923
Fun Is Where You Find It 1923
An Ace In The Hole 1922
And A Little Child Shall…
Gold Tooth Murphy
Aiding And Abetting 1929
Buried Treasure 1927
The Good Samaritan
Just A Country Trip
The Prodigal Son
Occupational Hazard
Four Bags Full
Overtime Pay
Above And Beyond The Call
Fourth Down And Ten
Let There Be Light
Take It Or Leave It
Double Or Nothing
The Champ
Three Of A Kind
My Silent Big Spender
N.P.R.R. (Northern Pacific Railroad) Mr. Moody


Prohibition Stories
A Little Competition
Some Did Burn
Last Words


Last Words

The following is from a lone sheet of tablet paper. It is believed to be the very last words written by Richard T. Bostwick.


Richard and Clara Bostwick on their 60th Wedding Anniversary, July 1982



I feel very low tonight and very nervous. I passed some blood in my urine this evening, so I believe my cancer is in a more advanced stage than I thought. There was a time a couple of months ago when I thought the hormone pills I was taking had perhaps arrested the advancement of my cancerous condition. The showing of blood in my urine is proof that my kidneys or bladder or both are pretty well infected.

Now when my end comes I don't want everyone to feel bad, for you all have had these past 8 or 9 months to know that it was only a matter of time. And after all, I have lived a little longer than a lot of fellows have.

God has blessed me with a beautiful bunch of kids whom I have been granted the pleasure of seeing you all grow up and established. I want you all to see to the welfare of Mother. I would like to have Bill and Pat act as executors of my desires. I designate Bill because he is now retired and I hope he has the time. I also designate Patricia because I know she and Bill get along real well.

I have a savings account in a safety deposit box in the Bank of California. The keys are hanging on the key hooks by the kitchen sink. The amount of the certificate is $40,000.00 plus interest. The certificate comes due on December 6, 1985. I also have two checking accounts in the same bank; they are numbers 24360-5 and 203518. Renee's name is on the authorization card for entry into the safety deposit box.


Institute for Regional Studies Home Page

Published by the Institute for Regional Studies, NDSU
Updated: 7/30/2007