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Old Main (1891) in the background and the 'bauta sten' (1904) in the foreground.

The dates are a little off in the scrapbook. It was in January of 1890 that a bill for the creation of the North Dakota Agricultural College (NDAC) and the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAES) at Fargo was introduced in the state legislature and was passed by both houses. NDAC & NDAES officially came into being on March 8, 1890 when Governor John Miller signed the bill.

With regard to the Morrill Act, the scrapbook is probably referring to the first Morrill Act, which was passed on July 2, 1862. The second Morrill Act (August 30, 1890) was passed after NDAC & NDAES came into existence.

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Michael J. Robinson, Archivist, 701-231-1017
Published by the University Archives, NDSU
Site Design: Dan Hamre
Last Updated: 9/2/03