
Tyra Mattson Schanche
Randi Garmann-Stockman

Williams 1900
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Tragedy led to the decision of Tyra and Randi to homestead adjoining claims. Tyra's husband, Henrik, a medical doctor, contracted a fatal disease from a patient and died within five days, leaving Tyra a widow with three small children to support. Randi had immigrated from Norway to serve as Dr. Schanche's nurse. Both women came from urban centers in Scandinavia and were unschooled in the skills needed for homesteading. Learning to milk, harness a horse, and clean the barn were not easy, but these tasks along with many others were eventually mastered. Their shacks were built close together, Tyra's in front and Randi's behind. In this picture Tyra (left) and Randi (right) pause to watch Tyra's children play with the dog.

(Courtesy: Bergloit Schanche, Grand Forks)

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