Ideal Theater

Ideal Theater.

The postcard above (dated 1910) looks north on Broadway from between First and Second Avenues North. We see the east side of Broadway.

The most prominent building is the Bristol & Sweet Harness Co. This building was designed by the Hancock Brothers architectural firm and was built in 1907.

The building to the north (at the intersection of Broadway and Second Avenue) is the Bergstrom & Crowe Furniture Company. This is their original location (established 1908) before they moved across the street in 1910 to 208-210 Broadway.

The Ideal Theater (at 115 Broadway) can be seen to the south of Bristol & Sweet. The Ideal opened in 1906 and seated 400. Nerhaugen's Union Orchestra played there. The name of the Ideal was changed to the Savoy when it was sold in 1910.