West of Island Park

West of Island Park

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This is a view of the area just west of Island Park. Note the street names which are named after Presidents: Adams Avenue (now Second Avenue), Jefferson Avenue (now Third Avenue), Madison Avenue (now Fourth Avenue), Monroe Avenue (now Fifth Avenue), Tyler Avenue (now Sixth Avenue). The last named street visible is Roberts Street (now Seventh Avenue) was the southern limit of Fargo in 1880. What is now First Avenue South was named Washington Avenue but the name is not shown on this segment of the map.

Three buildings can be identified along Ninth Street South. Shown with a "1" at Adams Avenue is the Court House. Shown with a "2" just north of the court house is a public school. Moving further north on Ninth Street, and shown with a "4" is the Methodist Church.

On Adams, between Eighth and Ninth Streets (shown by a "5") is the Episcopal Church.