Fargo Fair

Cover of a 1920s Fair brochure.

The Fair in Fargo was known by many names through the years: The Inter-State Fair, the North Dakota State Fair, the Red River Valley State Fair, and others. The fairgrounds were located between Seventeenth and Nineteenth Avenues North extending from 13th Street (now University Drive) on the west to Broadway on the east.

The first fair opened at 9am on Monday, July 23, 1906. Governor Sarles spoke at ceremonies in front of the grandstand and the fair continued through Saturday, July 28. The buildings shown on the following pages were all built during the spring and summer of 1906. In addition to the many agricultural and home exhibits, attractions at the fair included horse races (over 190 horses entered), automobile races, four big bands, and a wild west show.

The first fair was proceeded by a visit to Fargo by the Ringling Brothers Circus. Admission was 50¢.

I believe that the Fairgrounds were razed and new fairgrounds built in West Fargo in approximately 1967.

1907 medal.