Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Augmenting Tree Species in North Dakota: Evaluating a 'Natural Experiment' 

      Alexander, Mackenzie Kathryn (North Dakota State University, 2020)
      A limited number of woody species are approved by the Natural Resources Conservation Service for conservation plantings. Unapproved tree and shrub species are sometimes planted if privately funded. This study located such ...
    • Factors Influencing Program Impact Evaluation in Cooperative Extension 

      Flack, Jan Ardis (North Dakota State University, 2019)
      Impact evaluation (IE) has become a major focus of Extension program evaluation during the past three decades, yet Extension professionals continue to struggle to produce well-documented evidence of program impacts (Lamm, ...
    • Knot Groups and Bi-Orderable HNN Extensions of Free Groups 

      Martin, Cody Michael (North Dakota State University, 2020)
      Suppose K is a fibered knot with bi-orderable knot group. We perform a topological winding operation to half-twist bands in a free incompressible Seifert surface Σ of K. This results in a Seifert surface Σ' with boundary ...
    • Using the Common Measures Evaluation Tool in North Dakota: A Qualitative Study 

      Doll, Amelia Kaye (North Dakota State University, 2019)
      Using a basic qualitative approach, interviews were conducted with five agents in North Dakota with a range of experiences and lengths of service to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of Common Measures, a set ...