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dc.contributor.authorScallon, Joseph
dc.description.abstractRecognizing that the Western Tradition of Architecture has been perpetuated through the passing on of stories through the creation of primarily symbolic artefacts, this studio emphasizes students’ ability to imagine, work, and communicate through creations, which generate poetic dialogue and architectural thinking beyond the direct transcription of isolated objectives and visual representations alone. Working obliquely through the entwined creation of artefact and narrative, students’ are challenged to draw upon the plasticity of lived knowledge not accessible through objective information but which nonetheless makes our experience of architecture alluring and resonant. Each student, responsible for developing their own architectural program, were asked to use these creations to reveal particular qualities, stories, events, and circumstances that metaphorically evoke essential qualities for the coming architecture. The overarching goal of the studio is the creation of empathetic connections between varying people, places, and cultures, brought to life through the experience of the artefact—an installation, performance, or assemblage—which like literature or film, provide things through which we may imagine.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe artefact is a physical metaphor for a traveler; in the same way a traveler is tied to, burdened by, and motivated by his past, the wheel is tied to a stone weight that both drives and hinders its motion, provoking a movement that is at once both certain and confused-- a hesitant back and forth rolling that stops where it begins, as if the artefact has a memory of its own.en_US
dc.titleArchitectural Artefacten_US
ndsu.collegeArts, Humanities and Social Sciences
ndsu.departmentArchitecture and Landscape Architecture
ndsu.course.nameAdvanced Architectural Design
ndsu.course.numberARCH 771
ndsu.advisorWischer, Stephen

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