Browsing Natural Resources Management Masters Theses by Title
Now showing items 32-51 of 71
Groundwater Quality Vulnerability Assessment in North Dakota
(North Dakota State University, 2017)In North Dakota, arsenic and nitrate are two major groundwater contaminants. These contaminants originate from either natural geologic or anthropogenic sources. Differences in geology, hydrology, geochemistry, and chemical ... -
Groundwater Table Effects on Yield, Growth and Water Use of Canola (Brassica napus L.) Plant
(North Dakota State University, 2019)Lysimeter experimental studies were conducted in a greenhouse to investigate canola (Brassica Napus) plant water use, growth and yield parameters under three different water table depths of 30, 60, and 90 cm. Additionally, ... -
Impact of Climate Parameters on Spring Wheat Yield in North Dakota
(North Dakota State University, 2016)The impacts of climate change in agriculture is a growing concern. The agricultural sector plays a significant role in North Dakota's (ND) economy, and spring wheat contributes most to the economy. This study focuses on ... -
Impact of Nitrogen and Rhizobial Seed Inoculants on Soybean Aphid (Aphis Glycines Matsumura) Densities
(North Dakota State University, 2012)Soybeans are able to obtain nitrogen from two different sources, nitrogen found in the soil (e.g. from fertilizers) and biologically fixed nitrogen (from symbiotic bacteria called rhizobia). Nitrogen source and degree of ... -
Impact of Rogun Dam on Downstream Uzbekistan Agriculture
(North Dakota State University, 2011)Strains among the states of Central Asia caused by overuse of the region’s scarce water resources have been increasing in recent years. This is especially true for the relations between Tajikistan, upstream, and Uzbekistan, ... -
Impact of Rogun Dam on Downstream Uzbekistan Agriculture
(North Dakota State University, 2010)Strains among the states of Central Asia caused by overuse of the region's scarce water resources have been increasing in recent years. This is especially true for the relations between Tajikistan, upstream, and Uzbekistan, ... -
Improving Data and Understanding of Public Water Supply in North Dakota Through Municipal and Industrial Water-Use Information Specifically Focusing on the Bakken Region 2000-2018
(North Dakota State University, 2021)The Bakken oil boom 2005–2015 has dominated conversations on North Dakota’s water use in the past two decades. This study focused on municipal and industrial water use across 83 different use categories for the Bakken and ... -
Invasions in the Prairie Pothole Region: Addressing the Effects of Exotic Plants on Wetland and Grassland Ecosystems and Restoration Efforts
(North Dakota State University, 2020)Three wetland restoration methods: seeding, seeding + hay mulch, and seeding + hay mulch + vegetation plugs were compared via the plant community within a formerly cropped wetland in southeastern North Dakota. Arrangement ... -
The Investigation of Restoration Techniques for Two Degraded Rangeland Sites in North Dakota
(North Dakota State University, 2020)Vast areas of rangeland have been degraded or lost to row crop agriculture and urban development in the United States since European colonization. Two projects were undertaken to investigate strategies to improve diversity ... -
Management Influences on Plant Community Composition in the Prairie Pothole Region
(North Dakota State University, 2022)Remnant prairies in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) should serve as repositories of native plant species, yet disrupted ecological process, invasive species, potential nitrogen deposition, climate change, and numerous ... -
Managing Upland Vegetation as a Mitigation Strategy for Climate-Change Effects on Prairie-Pothole Wetlands
(North Dakota State University, 2017)Prairie-pothole-wetland water budgets are largely dependent on atmospheric interactions. Modeling of prairie-pothole wetlands has suggested that climate change may cause significant decreases to a wetland’s hydroperiod and ... -
Multi-Scale Assessment of Factors Affecting Marshbird Density in the Northern Plains
(North Dakota State University, 2017)Over the last two centuries >50% of North American wetlands have been drained for agricultural production. Consequently, wildlife that depend on wetlands are declining and are of high conservation concern. The Prairie ... -
Municipal Water Use and Dust Impacts on Soybeans
(North Dakota State University, 2017)As human extraction of earth’s natural resources continue to impact the surrounding environment, such effects are compounding and may affect the quantity and quality of other natural resources. Natural resources in ... -
North Dakota Wetlands: Changes over Five Years in Prairie Pothole Wetlands and a Description of Vegetative and Soil Properties in a North Dakota Fen
(North Dakota State University, 2017)Wetlands provide ecosystem services such as water quality, flood attenuation, primary productivity, biodiversity, and provide habitats for wildlife. Land use conversions from natural to agricultural and urban landscapes ... -
Oil-Field Brine Impacts on Seed Germination and a Contemporary Remediation Technique for Contaminated Soils
(North Dakota State University, 2019)The growth of fossil fuel production in North Dakota has resulted in numerous releases of brine. Brine releases cause vegetation mortality as well as the deterioration of soil structural and edaphic properties. Little ... -
Past Flooding Events and a 400+ Year Ring-Width Chronology of Bur Oak Along The Red River in North Dakota and Minnesota
(North Dakota State University, 2021)A paleoflood record of the United States portion of the Red River of the North was created utilizing rings of bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa Michx.). Emphasis was placed on the flood of 1826. Samples were collected from ... -
Plant Community Composition of Douglas Creek Training Area, North Dakota Army National Guard: 1999-2015
(North Dakota State University, 2017)A vegetation monitoring study was conducted from 1999 to 2015 at Douglas Creek Military Reservation (DCMR), Garrison in McLean County, North Dakota to assess how climatic and military training disturbance affects plant ... -
Prairie Response to Canada Thistle Infestation, and Native Forb Response to Aminocyclopyrachlor
(North Dakota State University, 2016)Prairie response to Canada thistle invasion was evaluated by comparison of forage yield between aminopyralid treated and non-treated infestations in North Dakota. In general, forage production was unaffected by Canada ... -
Prairie Restoration outcomes in the Northern Tallgrass and Mixed Grass Prairie Eco-Region
(North Dakota State University, 2011)Prairie restorations have been implemented using a variety of seeding methods and techniques. The outcomes of these prairie restorations have not been surveyed on United States Fish and Wildlife Service lands in eastern ... -
Preferences of Tourists and Locals Toward Ecotourism Development on the Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation
(North Dakota State University, 2006)Studies have shown that ecotourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the tourism market. To date, there has been very little systematic research focused on the general topic of ecotourism development on Indian ...