Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Exploring the Concept of Prevescalation Through the Lens of Trauma: The Role of Students and Teachers
(North Dakota State University, 2021)
Numerous studies highlight that adolescence is the peak period of risk for trauma and its negative effects on physical and mental health. The current research focused on two studies examining whether training students and ...
Does Mom Know Best? The Influence of Baby-led Weaning on Picky Eating and Sweetener Use
(North Dakota State University, 2021)
Baby-led weaning, the process of an infant feeding themselves at the introduction of solid foods as opposed to being spoon-fed by a caregiver, is an under-researched area of infant development. There is a significant gap ...
Aging Out of Place: Quality of Life and Successful Aging Among Aging Refugee Immigrants in the US
(North Dakota State University, 2021)
As individuals age, they experience physical, cognitive, and socioemotional changes that may impact their well-being. However, little is known about well-being among aging refugees. Thus, the present study explores factors ...