Now showing items 205-224 of 414

    • Increasing Usability and Accessibility of GIS Technology Through Extension of Existing Software Tools 

      Noel, Elizabeth Joan (North Dakota State University, 2015)
      As the popularity of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology increases and its use extends from specialized users to the general public, tools available to users must adapt to take these changes into account. Virtual ...
    • Injecting Safety-Critical Certification Into Agile Software Methods 

      Minot, Scott James (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Agility offers an adaptable and changeable environment within software development. The benefits that agile methods provide for software development are becoming an even greater possibility in safety-critical software ...
    • The Insurance Manager - Mobile Application 

      Sharma, Aditi (North Dakota State University, 2017)
      People buy several expensive products with the insurance whether it is a Camera, Phone, Television etc. Insurance usually comes with an end date and other important information like: Product Name, Vendor Name, Price of the ...
    • An Interactive System for Cow Herd Performance 

      Hossain, Naqib (North Dakota State University, 2019)
      This paper explores the application-development phases for the Cow Herd Appraisal of Performance System (CHAPS). In 1985, North Dakota State University’s Dickinson Research Extension Center and the North Dakota Beef Cattle ...
    • An Interactive Visualization System for a Multi-Level View of Opinion Mining Results 

      Chitkara, Karan (North Dakota State University, 2014)
      Products are purchased and sold on a daily basis and people tend to critique on products they purchase. Those who want to buy a product will read reviews on that product given by others before buying; likewise those who ...
    • Intrusion Detection With an Autoencoder and ANOVA Feature Selector 

      Satyal, Rashmi (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      Intrusion detection systems are systems that aim at identifying malicious activities or violation of policies in a network. The problem of high dimensionality in intrusion detection systems is a barrier in processing data ...
    • Investigating Super Learner on Healthcare Data Sets 

      Rahman, Humaira (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      In the field of machine learning, classification is the essential task that predicts the target class or label for each sample in the data. Improving the performance of a classification model has been a challenging research ...
    • Investigating the Defect Patterns during the Software Development Projects 

      Poudyal, Abhaya (North Dakota State University, 2014)
      With the growing software industry and our dependency on complex software applications, it is vital that the software is free of faults. The objective of my study is to, identify and classify the most common type of defects ...
    • Investigating the Use of Model-Based Method for Improving the Quality of Natural Language Requirements: A Controlled Empirical Study 

      Gupta, Munmun (North Dakota State University, 2014)
      Requirement engineering is a critical phase in software development that describes the customer needs and specifications for the software. Requirements are gathered through various sources and documented for a software ...
    • An Investigation of Integration and Performance Issues Related to the Use of Extended Page Sizes in Computationally Intensive Applications 

      Piehl, Matthew James (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      The combination of increasing fabrication density and corresponding decrease in price has resulted in the ability of commodity platforms to support large memory capacities. Processor designers have introduced support for ...
    • Investigation of Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 

      Kakarlapudi, Madhumitha (North Dakota State University, 2019)
      The Strength Pareto Evaluation Algorithm (SPEA) (Zitzler and Thiele 1999) is one of the prominent technique for approximating the pareto-optimal set for the Multiple Objective Optimization (MOO) algorithm. The Strength ...
    • Investigation of the Effect of the Number of Inspectors on the Software Defect Estimates 

      Saxena, Kaustubh (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      Capture-recapture models help software managers by providing post-inspection defect estimate remaining in a software artifact to determine if a re-inspection in necessary. These estimates are calculated using the number ...
    • ISO Analyzer and Reporting System 

      Yarram, Vishnu Vardhanna Reddy (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      This paper describes the development of a GUI-based application program called the ISO Analyzer and Reporting System. The Independent System Operator (ISO) Analyzer and Reporting System facilitates the study of electricity ...
    • A Java Class Analysis Program Development By ASM Library 

      Qiu, Chengxiang (North Dakota State University, 2017)
      Class analysis is useful technique that can be used in many situations, from the syntaxes parsing, potential bugs finding, and unused code detecting to reverse engineer coding. In this paper, I write a small program classasm ...
    • Job Aggregation Search Engine 

      Sundaram, Anita (North Dakota State University, 2011)
      In this paper we describe the design and implementation of a Job Aggregation Search Engine (JASE) that acts as a one-stop-shop for listing recently posted jobs across top multiple job search engines. There are multiple job ...
    • Job Scheduling with Genetic Algorithm 

      Barat, Debarshi (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      In this paper, we have used a Genetic Algorithm (GA) approach for providing a solution to the Job Scheduling Problem (JSP) of placing 5000 jobs on 806 machines. The GA starts off with a randomly generated population of 100 ...
    • K-Anonymization Implementation Using Apache Spark 

      Tortikar, Pratik (North Dakota State University, 2019)
      This experiment attempts on data which can reveal a person’s identity to anonymize with k-1 anonymity principle. "Given person-specific field-structured data, produce a release of the data with scientific guarantees that ...
    • Kakuro Solver Application 

      Takahashi, Naomi (North Dakota State University, 2010)
      In this paper, the application called KakuroSolver is presented that solves Kakuro, the popular logical puzzle that combines Sudoku and crossword. The application accepts a Kakuro puzzle with any size; it then either ...
    • Knowledge Discovery and Management within Service Centers 

      Zaman, Nazia (North Dakota State University, 2016)
      These days, most enterprise service centers deploy Knowledge Discovery and Management (KDM) systems to address the challenge of timely delivery of a resourceful service request resolution while efficiently utilizing the ...
    • Light Weight Health Application for Low End Cell Phones 

      Emamian, Peyman (North Dakota State University, 2016)
      Health applications are usually complicated and low end devices do not benefit from them. The focus of this thesis is on expandable health services platform for low end cell phones. Large number of mobile phones in the ...