Now showing items 361-380 of 414

    • Online Shopping Cart Application 

      Gupta, Swati (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Electronic commerce, also known as ecommerce is a type of industry where buying and selling of a product is conducted over electronic systems such as the internet. The purpose of this application is to bring knowledge to ...
    • Image Correction using Reed Muller Code 

      Ginjupalli, Siva Krishna (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Image signal processing is one of the important aspects while communicating from long distances. Background noise of images is one of the primary concerns in obtaining clear accurate images. This problem is further amplified ...
    • Design and Development of Naive Bayes Classifier 

      Garg, Bandana (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      The naïve Bayes classifier is a simple form of Bayesian classifiers which assumes all the features are independent of each other. Despite this assumption, the naïve Bayes classifier’s accuracy is comparable to other ...
    • Protein Functional Site Prediction Using the Shortest-Path Graph Kernel Method 

      Benaragama Vidanelage, Malinda Vikum Sanjaka (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Over the past decade Structural Genomics projects have accumulated structural data for over 75,000 proteins, but the function of most of them are unknown due to limitation of laboratory approaches for discovering the ...
    • Evaluation of Software Testing Coverage Tools: An Empirical Study 

      Alemerien, Khalid Ali (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Code coverage is one of the most important aspects of software testing, which helps software engineers to understand which portion of code has been executed using test suite throughout the software testing process. Automatic ...
    • Simulation of Forward Air Controller Missions with Pop-Up Targets 

      Sikharam, Sandeep (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Orion is a Java-based framework that is used to develop different battlefield scenarios that involve unmanned air vehicles. There are currently four missions in the Orion framework. They are the track, sweep, patrol, and ...
    • Red River Flood Monitor iOS Application 

      Singh, Saumya (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      The Flood Monitor system is designed to help people share photos and information in case of a flood in the basin of the Red River. This work is part of the redesign of an application that has the goal of enabling mobile ...
    • An Application of Association Rule Mining to Unit Test Selection 

      Gunderson, Karl Nils (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Appropriate selection of unit tests during the software development process is vital when many unit tests exist. The developer may be unfamiliar with some tests and non-obvious relationships between application code and ...
    • Evaluating Different Mobile Web Navigation Styles 

      Kohli, Jyotjeev Singh (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Web browsing is suffering from the problem of not showing information effectively and efficiently on a small screen. The main aim of this paper is to come up with a solution that will help to minimize this issue. We have ...
    • Mining Communities from Multi-Layered Graphs 

      Chao, Meng (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Identifying communities from networks has been a subject of great interest in Biological and Social network analysis. Finding communities can help with tasks such as identifying and fighting disease. Using graphs to represent ...
    • Graph Visualization Using the NoSQL Database 

      Joshi, Kailash Raj (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      The relational database has been a dominant approach for organizing data into formally organized tables for years. Recently, with massive amounts of data being generated, a new type of database called NoSQL has emerged. ...
    • Path Planning under Failures in Wireless Sensor Networks 

      Paturu Raghunatha Rao, Nityananda Suresh (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      This paper explores how an all pair shortest path can be obtained in a wireless sensor network when sensors fail. Sensors are randomly deployed in a predefined geographical area, simulating the deployment of sensors from ...
    • Processing Geographic Information Systems Data for Data Mining 

      Ahuja, Sarthak (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Spatial data, including image data, are typically downloaded into GIS systems for processing purposes. The GIS data are optimized for establishing spatial relationships among objects. Spatial data can be produced rapidly ...
    • A Collaborative Agent-Box System 

      Singh, Kunal Kishore (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      In this paper I present a multi-agent system that aims at demonstrating software agent’s collaborative behavior when a number of intelligent agents are clustered together within one environment. This study draws inspiration ...
    • Agent Communication and Negotiation in a Supply Chain 

      Upadhyay, Rajat (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Supply Chain Management is an essential management paradigm for almost every organization. Effective implementation of Supply Chain Management (SCM) can significantly increase an organization’s profit. In this paper, a ...
    • Optimization of Benchmark Functions using Chemical Reaction Optimization 

      Dandu, Naveen Kumar (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      In recent past, many new nature-inspired optimization techniques have been emerged in the field of science and engineering that have proven to be efficient to solve optimization problems. One such method that makes use of ...
    • A Decision Model for Emergency Response 

      Chelaiah Rothimaswa, Ashok Kumar Vellaswamy (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      In the real world, emergencies occur at different places. The emergencies fall into three categories: a fire emergency, a medical emergency, and a police emergency. Different emergencies occur at different places at different ...
    • Automatic Method for Testing Struts-Based Application 

      Tiwari, Shweta (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Model based testing is a very popular and widely used in industry and academia. There are many tools developed to support model based development and testing, however, the benefits of model based testing requires tools ...
    • Optimization Modeling for Wireless Sensor Scheduling 

      Chekuri, Srujan Kumar Raju (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Wireless sensor networks, consisting of sensing devices which sense the environment and communicate information among each other, is an emergent field in wireless networking with many potential applications. The efficiency ...
    • A Mobile Website Prototype 

      Teotia, Ashish (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      More people have started using smart phones, and in the near future, cell phones/smart phones will take the place of computers. I developed a mobile website prototype based on standards, such as keeping it task oriented, ...