Parents' Relationship, Differing Parenting Styles and the Effects on their Children
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North Dakota State University
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of parenting practices, the impact of
differing parenting practices, and how gender of the parent and child impact child
outcomes. The sample for this study was taken from parents whose children are
participating in the Early Risers Program. These parents completed two questionnaires.
Parental involvement, communication, and discipline scales were the focus of these
questionnaires. To assess the child's strengths, parents also reported on their child's
interpersonal strength, family involvement, intrapersonal strength, affective strength, and
school functioning. This study examines how the gender of a parent and the differing
parenting styles between partners affects a child's development. Specifically, it was
expected that the same-sex parent of a child has more influence on a child than the
opposite-sex parent, and mixed parenting styles will affect the development of a child
differently than parents parenting with similar parenting practices. The results show that
same-sex parents have more influence over certain child outcomes. No significance was
found for the influences of differing parenting practices on a child's outcome. The study
provides a closer look at the influences of gender and parenting practices on child
outcomes and compares whether parents' distress level or differential parenting styles
among partners has more influence over child outcomes.