Exploring Cover Crops for Managing Plant-Parasitic Nematodes Heterodera Glycines and Pratylenchus Penetrans

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North Dakota State University


Three studies were conducted to assess the effects of cover crops on plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) of potato and soybean. The first study investigated the hosting and population reduction abilities of 25 cover crops to Pratylenchus penetrans and found alfalfa (Bullseye) to reduce the initial population densities consistently. The second study tested the population reduction abilities of ten cover crops to two soybean cyst nematode (SCN; Heterodera glycines) populations in the microplot. Sunnhemp (cultivar not specified) was the most effective to reduce both SCN populations. The third study evaluated ten cover crops in a growth chamber for their impacts on hatching and root penetration of SCN and their potential as trap crops. Faba bean (Petite) showed the greatest potential to act as a trap crop for SCN, based on its effect on hatching and root penetration by SCN. These results help select suitable cover crops to manage PPNs in infested fields.



Cover crops, Host status, Management, Population reduction, Root-lesion nematode
