The Effects of Kinesio Tape on Neck Disability and Pain
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North Dakota State University
Kinesio® Tape is a proposed treatment to improve neck disability due to its advertised benefits such as decompression of tissue, facilitation of muscles, and improvement in range of motion.1–5 While the advertised benefits appear promising and applicable for the treatment of neck pain, scientific evidence on its effectiveness is limited. The purpose of this study was to determine if Kinesio® Tape could alleviate neck pain and improve cervical range of motion on a mask-wearing population. Thirty adults with neck pain participated in the study. Active cervical range of motion and pain were recorded before and after application of Kinesio® tape over the cervical spine. Participants experienced a significant increase in cervical left lateral flexion (p=.014), cervical extension (p=.093), and right rotation (p=.059) in the taped condition compared to no tape. Additionally, pain decreased with application of the tape with (p<.001) and without movement (p=.001).