Malting Barley: Contribution of Minnesota and North Dakota to the Soul of Beer with Dr. Paul Schwarz, September 10, 2020

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North Dakota State University. Libraries


This event was hosted by NDSU Libraries. The presentation was pre-recorded and then shared on NDSU Libraries’ Facebook page.
Dr. Paul Schwarz of NDSU presents "Malting Barley: The Contribution of Minnesota and North Dakota to the Soul of Beer."
Barley, used for the production of malt, which is a key ingredient in beer, has an important place in history and economy of our region. This presentation outlines the history of barley and beer from their introduction by colonists in the 1600s through current explosion of regional craft brewers. Emphasis will be on fun and little-known facts.
Schwarz's presentation is in correlation with the 2020 One Book One Community reading project; 2020’s book selection was The Lager Queen of Minnesota by J. Ryan Stradal.


