Investigating the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality in Certified Athletic Trainers

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North Dakota State University


Certified athletic trainers (ATCs) are often the first to respond to an athletic sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and are expected to administer the highest quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) possible. The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between confidence and CPR quality in ATCs. Fifty ATCs completed confidence questionnaires before and after performing a prolonged CPR assessment on a medium-fidelity manikin. CPR data included measures of chest compression and ventilation quality. Data were analyzed to compare confidence levels pre- and post-CPR assessment, as well as to determine the relationship between CPR performance and self-efficacy. A small, negative correlation was found between confidence and CPR performance but performing a prolonged session of CPR did not affect confidence levels. Overall CPR quality was adequate, but ventilations and compression rates were lacking. The relationship between confidence and CPR quality must be explored further to help revise athletic training educational curricula.



athletic trainer, athletic training, confidence, CPR, emergency care, self-efficacy
