Parents Forever: An Assessment of a Brief Divorce Education Program
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North Dakota State University
Parents Forever: Education for Families in Divorce Transition is a four-hour
divorce education program that is directed toward educating adults about separation,
divorce, and the effects on children. While some pilot evaluations have been conducted on
this program, there is still limited information regarding its effectiveness (Dworkin &
Karahan, 2005). This study addressed the effects of the program for parents or caregivers
who are undergoing separation or divorce. The study assessed how individuals perceived
the program and its influence on their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. At the
conclusion of the four-hour session, the program facilitators distributed the first
retrospective questionnaire and asked the attendees to participate and answer the questions
to the best of their ability. If the participants chose to continue in the study, they were sent
the follow-up questionnaire in the mail approximately six weeks after completing the
program. Gathering data six weeks after course completion provided information about the
short-term effects of the program. Results indicated that participants perceived the program
to be valuable and beneficial, and they felt the program helped them increase their
knowledge on the topics covered in the workshop, as well as positively change their
behavior towards their children and former partners.