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Item Advancing Gender Equity in STEM: Antenarratives and Feminist Leadership Practices in Policy Work(North Dakota State University, 2020) Petts, Ashleigh RyannWhile the field technical and professional communication (TPC) has long been concerned with workplace writing and policy writing, few studies have addressed the process of policy writing within an academic context. Using antenarrative and apparent feminism methodologies, this dissertation explores the policy writing process and feminist leadership practices of the DESIGN Committee, a group of women academics who worked to propose new policy to address gender inequity in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields for faculty working in their statewide educational system (SES). Employing methods of observation, participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and artifact collection over a period of three years, the researcher sought to answer two research questions: What does the process of policy writing look like for the DESIGN Committee? In what ways do feminist leadership practices, as performed by the committee leader and other committee members, influence the work of the DESIGN Committee? Through the creation of an antenarrative of the DESIGN Committee’s policy work, three important threads stand out: proximity, transparency, and accountability. These threads provide an alternative to the dominant narrative of the committee’s work. In addition, the committee leader’s use of feminist leadership practices, such as creating community, encouraging self-empowerment, and fostering collaboration, impacted the efficiency of the policy writing process. These results point to important factors for future policy writers to consider when composing policy to address diversity, equity, and inclusion or when employing feminist leadership practices.Item A Zoomable Assessment: Navigating the Ecologies of Writing Program Assessment(North Dakota State University, 2022) Warner, MatthewThis dissertation project explores the potential for using an inferential statistics test (t-tests) within an existing writing program assessment design. The purpose of using inferential statistics is to provide several perspectives on a data set collected using the existing assessment design thereby improving what a writing program administrator can learn about the program. To demonstrate the use of statistical tests, I selected as a variable of interest participation in an international collaboration, the Trans-Atlantic and Pacific Project (TAPP). Based on this variable, I asked, can inferential statistics identify whether participation in TAPP created a difference in student portfolio scores for a program outcome? To perform the t-test, I calculated the mean portfolio scores for TAPP and for Non-TAPP groups. Then, after sorting the program data by course, two courses, a writing in the health professions and a writing in the technical professions, had enough sections participate in TAPP to conduct two more tests, one for each course. The tests posed the same question, whether participation in TAPP had a difference in portfolio scores for a program outcome, but had zoomed from the program level into the course level. The tests indicated that at the highest level (the program) participation in TAPP did not have a statistically significant difference on portfolio scores. The tests at the other level (the course) indicated that participation in TAPP did not have a statistically significant difference on writing in the health professions but did have a statistically significant difference on writing in the technical professions. Possible explanations for these results are examined in relation to existing writing studies literature. The approach of examining several levels is dubbed a zoomable assessment because the statistical tests allow for more nuanced examinations, that is, the tests zoom into the data set. Based on the findings, I propose further uses and possible limits of uses of inferential statistics as a complement to existing assessment designs. As part of the proposal, I advocate for assessment design, such as zoomable assessment, that is accessible, meaning the design does not require special software or extensive knowledge of advanced statistical analysis methods.Item Because Comics: Comics Literacy and Multimodal Pedagogy(North Dakota State University, 2020) Gomes, Shane AnthonyHow and what we teach in the post-secondary English classroom has tremendous power, both regarding individual students and larger contexts in which they function. As post-secondary instructors, our pedagogical approach to our subjects can impact our student’s abilities and experiences directly through interactions with texts, and also impact our specific institutions, our academic disciplines, and larger social structures. This project will propose what is best termed a disruptive pedagogy, founded in comics literacy, and a primary goal is to effect change in the classroom and therefore in our students’ later social and professional contexts. Increasingly, what we teach in English classrooms is moving towards a pedagogy of multimodality that reflects the contexts of our students outside of the classroom. Multimodal researchers Jennifer Rowsell and Eryn Decoste state that “To expand notions of composition, there is a need to not only introduce other modes such as visuals, sounds and interactive modes, but also develop frameworks, activities and lesson ideas to actually teach other modes of representation and expression” (246-247). Yet, as they mention, this isn’t always easy or even possible. But an additional issue is that multimodality can elide the discussion of narrative, one of the key affordances of the English classroom. Further, much emphasis in multimodal pedagogies is on technology, which access to the needed technology is not universal. Focusing education tactics in the context of internet enabled classrooms will necessarily leave some populations behind. To address these two issues, this project works to propose a multimodal pedagogy that uses comics as an ideal narrative multimodal medium. By fitting comics into the framework of multimodal education in post-secondary classrooms, this dissertation demonstrates the potential of the medium. Therefore, the focus of this project is on building a multimodal pedagogy for comics. By focusing on the methods by which comics create, this dissertation proposes a formalized way to use them as a foundation of a pedagogy that builds student’s multimodal literacy. A standard for deploying these texts has yet to calcify, meaning that current research can impact multimodal teaching substantially in the future.Item Coercively Compromised Authorships: Risk Factors in Spaces of Writing Practice(North Dakota State University, 2016) Laughlin, Mary KateriThis dissertation project explores the potential for coercive interactions to shape collaboratively authored, singularly credited textual productions. Building on the work of Composition Studies, which reflects a sustained history of engagement with issues pertaining to coercion (e.g., authority; hierarchy), and grounded by the argument that all authorship constitutes at least some degree of collaboration, the driving inquires of the project explore multiple sites of writing practice to identify factors that may act as doorways for coercive pressure, including worst-case scenarios of coercive collaboration that find an individual facing punitive consequences for a text substantially authored by unacknowledged collaborators. The dissertation ultimately offers a heuristic tool designed for pedagogical use: a framework identifying five risk factors of coercively compromised authorships. These factors include: external stakes; interactions with authority; loss of control; changed relationship with a text; and the erasure of collaborative influences. The rhetorical continuum created by the framework encourages users to see collaborative interactions embedded within texts, and to then strategically consider the potential for coercion situated within them. Ideally, the heuristic and the continuum-like view of coercive risk it creates will foster more nuanced critical evaluation of textual authorship; additionally, explicit attention to coercive risk factors may function as a safeguard against future acts of coercive collaborations.Item Energetic Space: The Affect of Literature in a Composition Classroom(North Dakota State University, 2015) Steinmann, Heather MarieRhetorical and critical theory have both prescribed and proscribed the way scholars view affect. With the exception of Reader Response Theory, literary and rhetorical theory tend to use a more long-term and permanent frame of reference when addressing the emotional relationship between reader and writer. This disquisition explores a framework where the reader and writer find emotional connection in particular and emergent times and spaces. This work extends the import of Kairos, as a rhetorical figure and theory, to contemporary research and theories like Maria Takolander’s “Energetic Space” and Louise Rosenblatt’s “Aesthetic Reading,” theories that link writer to reader. Rather than returning to the stagnating debate regarding the societal import of literature and its inclusion in or exclusion from university course curriculum, this work will use grounded theory to qualitatively examine students’ affective responses to a novel over a period of 4 years to describe how the emotional relationship between an author and audience can be located and marked in the transformative moment.Item First-Generation Pedagogy: A Case Study of First-Generation College Students in First-Year Writing(North Dakota State University, 2016) Jorgenson, JessicaThe purpose of this research was to examine the motivations and attitudes first-generation college students held toward classroom interventions and written assignments. This classroom research took place during one semester in a single English 120 College Composition II class that included fourteen enrolled students with three students self-identifying as first-generation college students. The study was composed of two separate qualitative surveys: a pre-survey and a post-survey and all surveys. The pre-survey was distributed to all fourteen enrolled students during week three of the semester. The post-survey was distributed to all students during the final week of the semester. Based on the findings of this survey, and previous research conducted on first-generation college students, this study argues for three pedagogical interventions that can best engage the needs of first-generation college students. The pedagogical interventions include creating structured peer review groups, creating an empathetic space, or safe space, within the classroom, and demonstrates the importance of teaching genres that open up pathways for an emotional discourse in the classroom. These three pedagogical interventions best benefit first-generation college students, but may also benefit the learning of all students.Item Social Dialect Features of Military Speech: A Sociolinguistic Study of Fargo Veterans(North Dakota State University, 2020) Albright, Anthony J.This mixed-methods study examines the potential existence of a military dialect separate from regional or social dialects experienced by civilians. In particular, how similar is the military-related storytelling lexicon of veterans in the Fargo-Moorhead area to the lexicon set forth in training bases and training manuals used by the U.S. military? The lexicon used by veterans in storytelling can sometimes seem opaque to an audience. It is typically dense with meaning borne by a few coded words. These words carry a contextual burden that can be better understood by an appeal to the dialect from which they were borne. In order to disentangle the veteran way of speaking from other overlapping and intersecting social and regional dialects that make up a subject’s typical speech, guided conversation and word-matching exercises were used to isolate lexicon that was typical to the military experience. The resulting interview transcripts were analyzed in comparison to military training manuals to arrive at a percentage of military-specific terms used in the guided conversation and a percentage of general knowledge military terms retained in the word-matching measure. The resulting 1.85% of military-specific terms and phrases used by participants in guided conversations and 61% retention of military-specific term knowledge was used to show that the military dialect not only exists but persists in the repertoire of veteran participants. As the majority of those who work with veterans are not veterans themselves, these percentages represent a significant barrier to understanding veteran storytelling. This barrier hinders the successful reintegration and mental health of veterans who return to their communities without knowing how to meaningfully express their stories in their existing support networks.Item Writing (Dirty) New Media: Technorhetorical Opacity, Chimeras, and Dirty Ontology(North Dakota State University, 2014) Hammer, StevenVideo summarizing Ph.D. dissertation for a non-specialist audience.Item Women and the Environment of the Global South: Toward a Postcolonial Ecofeminism(North Dakota State University, 2016) Jabeen, NeelamIn this study I claim that mainstream ecofeminism is inadequate to translate the experiences of the women of the Third World and propose postcolonial ecofeminism. The study focuses on the ecofeminist assumption of women’s relationship of care and compassion with nature. Through textual examples, I show the complexity of relationships between South-Asian women, and their natural environment, and claim that these relations are based on their material conditions and social status rather than necessarily being that of care and compassion. The study also highlights the acute nature of women-nature connection in the South-Asian societies where women are treated as land: their bodies are used to reproduce, and at times leased out to earn sustenance through prostitution. I have selected multiple South-Asian texts (fiction). Chemmeen, Village by the Sea, The Folded Earth, and The Hungry Tide are used to shed light on the role of their respective authors in developing postcolonial ecofeminism. Chemmeen, Nectar in a Sieve and Village by the Sea are analyzed to highlight the practices of the characters, male and female, which appear to be disruptive and harmful for their natural environment that sustains them. Then I use alternative analysis that I term as postcolonial ecofeminist perspective, to interpret the practices of the characters, while considering the livelihood strategies of these characters. I provide textual examples from Nectar in a Sieve and Water to support my claim that in the presented societies, women’s bodies are not just symbolically connected to land but are actually treated as land in the form of prostitution. I also analyze Madwoman of Jogare as a counter example that epitomizes mainstream ecofeminism, and also helps to complicate the notion of embodiment. The study also provides pedagogical implications of postcolonial ecofeminism by providing a sample reading of Fire on the Mountain. Besides challenging mainstream ecofeminism, all the discussed texts highlight the need for a revised ecofeminism that encompasses the postcolonial perspective. The study also shows the rhetorical significance of such texts that may enable students in the classroom to become active members of the society who want to bring change.Item Natural Flavors: Rhetorical Stories of Food Labels(North Dakota State University, 2017) West, RebeccaWhat is in our food? What can food labels tell us about what is in our food? This dissertation applies rhetoric in the everyday human act of reading food labels and making decisions about what to eat based on those labels. Rhetoric is continually operating from the beginning of the food manufacturing process, to designing and writing food labels and packaging, and finally to the consumer reading the label in the store. “Natural flavors” is an ingredient listing that appears more frequently on food labels, especially in the organic and natural foods industries. I collected food labels and used qualitative methods as I rendered labels textually into Word documents in order to see the discursive elements of food labels away from the sometimes elaborate graphic design. I found that food labels contained three elements: the story, the reality, and the credibility. The story of the food label lures the consumer into an emotional response in either purchasing the food item or putting it back on the shelf. The reality of the label is in the ingredients list, or what is actually in that food item. The credibility is the availability of the manufacture in connecting with the consumer and to what extent they have transparency. By comparing these three elements on a textual page, we can see if there is truth and label equivalence between them, with “natural flavors” as a central component when it appears in the ingredients list. To the extent that there is or is not equivalence is explored through qualitative rhetorical analysis and briefly discussed by engaging Brummett’s rhetorical homologies.
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