NDSU Libraries — Institute for Regional Studies & University Archives — Fargo fforum Newspaper Index

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Fargo Forum Newspaper Index

Results: 6 records
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Id Title Author Newspaper Date Page Index Terms Notes
61255 Roman Catholic Bishop Driscoll stresses burial over cremation Fargo Forum June 22, 1984 A-9 BURIAL LAWS / CREMATION /
73999 Sinner signs bill designed to protect Indian burial sites. Fargo Forum April 06, 1989 A-13. BURIAL LAWS / INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA - NORTH DAKOTA /
75750 ND [historical] board OKs rules for reburial of Indian bones. Fargo Forum June 08, 1989 B-1. ARCHEOLOGY / BURIAL LAWS / INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA - NORTH DAKOTA / NORTH DAKOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY /
78539 Measure [U.S. Congress] allows reburial of ND Indian remains. Fargo Forum September 15, 1989 A-5. ARCHEOLOGY / BURIAL LAWS /
80718 Bush signs bill allowing [ND Indian] bone reburial. Fargo Forum December 05, 1989 B-1. ARCHEOLOGY / BURIAL LAWS / INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA - NORTH DAKOTA /
80884 Controversy over ND Indian bones ready to be buried. Fargo Forum December 11, 1989 B-7. ARCHEOLOGY / BURIAL LAWS / INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA - NORTH DAKOTA /
Results: 6 records
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