NDSU Libraries — Institute for Regional Studies & University Archives — Fargo fforum Newspaper Index

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Fargo Forum Newspaper Index

Results: 11 records
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Id Title Author Newspaper Date Page Index Terms Notes
8799 Clay [County] workers angry over low pay Fargo Forum January 12, 1994 B-8 EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES /
8986 Clay County employees file salary plan appeals Fargo Forum January 22, 1994 C-7 EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES /
9217 Clay [County MN] officials will appeal pay equity plan [for employees] Fargo Forum February 18, 1994 A-14 EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES / EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK /
9632 Clay [County] board [of Commissioners] hears pay plan appeals [from Clay County employees] Fargo Forum March 19, 1994 A-9 CLAY COUNTY COMMISSION (MN) / EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES /
9966 Clay [County Commissioners] board seeks help in pay fray: No easy answers expected from consultant in equity proposal Fargo Forum April 09, 1994 C-1 CLAY COUNTY COMMISSION (MN) / EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES /
10713 Cities firm [Ernst and Young] hired [by Clay County Board of Commissioners] to fix Clay [County MN] comp worth plan Fargo Forum May 25, 1994 C-4 CLAY COUNTY COMMISSION (MN) / EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES /
11751 Clay [County MN] board OKs initial plan for pay equity [for Clay County employees] Fargo Forum July 16, 1994 A-6 CLAY COUNTY COMMISSION (MN) / EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES /
12948 County [Clay in MN] workers file salary appeals Fargo Forum August 15, 1994 A-7 EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES /
12139 Clay [County MN Commission] approves pay equity plan Fargo Forum August 24, 1994 A-1 CLAY COUNTY COMMISSION (MN) / EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES /
12656 Clay [County MN Commission] panel settles dispute with pay raises to 2 workers Fargo Forum September 28, 1994 A-6 CLAY COUNTY COMMISSION (MN) / EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES /
43389 Comparable worth: Clay [County MN] officials hope pay issue is resolved (Chart) Fargo Forum January 01, 1995 D-4 EMPLOYEES (CLAY COUNTY MN) - SALARIES / PAY EQUITY /
Results: 11 records
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