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Item Hot Electron Effect in Ultrathin Photovoltaic Junctions(North Dakota State University, 2012) Mihaylov, Deyan IvovThe focus of the research work described in the following thesis is increasing the efficiency of photovoltaic devices by reducing hot carrier thermalization losses. In principle this can be achieved by reducing the size of the absorber down to lengths comparable to the thermalization length for hot carriers. With the use of ultrathin absorbers hot carrier can be collected before they have reached thermal equilibrium with the lattice. The theoretical work on the subject is comprised of improving the empirical relationship developed in the most recent publication on the topic by. By making the assumption that the energy loss rate fits the exponential decay model, an expression for the energy as a function of absorber thickness was developed. The experimental work consist of fabricating devices with different absorber thicknesses and testing their ability to show change in performance due to collection of hot electrons.Item Fluctuations in the Lattice Boltzmann Method(North Dakota State University, 2012) Kaehler, Goetz AugustThe implementation of fluctuations in the lattice Boltzmann method has made significant progress in the last 10 years. The significance of incorporating noise to all non-conserved degrees of freedom was a significant recent discovery that was based on a simplified Langevin treatment of the linarized Boltzmann equation. However, for non-vanishing mean velocities significant deviations in the correlation functions were observed. In this thesis we show how we can largely alleviate these deviations by incorporating fully velocity dependent moment transforms and thus recover a fluctuation dissipation theorem that is valid for a larger range of velocities. Furthermore we show that the remaining deviations can be attributed to the collision operator of the linearized Boltzmann equation not being identical to the one of the BGK collision which forms the basis of most modern lattice Boltzmann applications. Finally we show that the locally velocity dependent transforms significantly improve the stability of fluctuating lattice Boltzmann simulations at low particle densities.Item A Numerical and Analytical Analysis of the Physics of Phase-Separation Fronts(North Dakota State University, 2012) Foard, Eric MerlinMy dissertation is an investigation into the basic Physics of phase separation fronts. Such phase-separation fronts occur in many practical applications, like the formation of immersion precipitation membranes, Temperature induced phase-separation of polymeric blends, or the formation of steel. Despite the fact that these phenomena are ubiquitous no generally acceptable theory of phase-separation front exists. I believe the reason lies in the complexity of many of these material systems where a large number of physical effects (like phase-separation, crystallization, hydrodynamics, etc) cooperate to generate these structures. As a Physicist, I was driven to develop an understanding of these systems, and we choose to start our investigation with the simplest system that would incorporate a phase-separation front. So we initially limited our study to systems with a purely diffusive dynamics. The phase-separation front is induced by a control-parameter front that is a simple step function advancing with a prescribed velocity. We investigated these systems numerically using a lattice Boltzmann method and also investigated them analytically as much as possible. Starting from a one-dimensional front moving with a constant velocity we then extended the complexity of the systems by increasing the number of dimensions, examining a variable front velocity, and finally by including hydrodynamics.Item Thermodynamic and Kinetic Modeling of Mixed Lipid Membranes and their Interaction with Macromolecules(North Dakota State University, 2015) Loew, StephanMixed lipid membranes play a crucial role in numerous cellular processes and pharmaceutical applications. Fully understanding the interactions between membranes and biomacromolecules is not possible without gaining insight into underlying physical concepts. In this thesis we develop theoretical models that aim to rationalize a number of experimental findings, all involving lipid layers and their interaction with macromolecules. Our models are phenomenological and employ a minimal set of order parameters, thus focusing on essential physical interactions. We address four major subjects: First, certain mixed model membranes containing cholesterol are able to undergo macroscopic phase separation. Based on a previously suggested thermodynamic model we demonstrate that peripherally adsorbed membrane proteins tend to further facilitate phase separation, especially when they exhibit attractive interactions. Second, we show that the coupling between the two leaflets of a mixed lipid bilayer can influence its phase behavior. To this end, we calculate detailed phase diagrams and argue that their predictions are in principal agreement with experimental observations. Specifically, the coupling can trigger or inhibit phase separation, depending on lipid compositions in each leaflet and coupling strength. Third, we investigate the fundamental question if physiological pH-changes are sufficient -- and can this be employed by cellular processes -- to trigger the adsorption of peripheral proteins. Proposing a model for the previously suggested electrostatic-hydrogen bond switch mechanism, we show that protein adsorption based on electrostatic interactions alone has a weak pH dependence but is rendered pH sensitive by the electrostatic-hydrogen bond switch. Finally, the transfer of hydrophobic drug molecules in model systems from donor liposomes to a target carrier is known from experimental work to typically exhibit a first-order kinetics, sometimes also sigmoidal behavior. We develop a detailed kinetic model for drug transfer that is based on a statistical description of drug occupation numbers in liposomes and includes both drug diffusion and liposome collision mechanisms.Item The Nature of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells(North Dakota State University, 2015) Harris, John MichaelSince their inception in 2007, nanotube-silicon heterojunction solar cells have experienced rapid improvement due to the diligent work of several research groups. These devices have quickly reached a point where they might begin to possibly compete with current well-established silicon solar technologies; however the development of industrial-scale nanotube synthesis and purification capabilities remains problematic. Although there has been significant recent progress in improving performance, the precise classification of nanotube-silicon heterojunctions has remained ambiguous. In this thesis, I use type, chirality and length purified single-wall carbon nanotubes to clarify the nature of this particular class of solar cell. The junctions that I assembled were made from freestanding nanotube sheets that showed remarkable stability in response to repeated crumpling and folding during fluid processing, which suggests that the films could be well suited to flexible device platforms. Despite modest ideality factors, the best diodes created in this study met or exceeded state-of-the-art device characteristics, but with a surprising lack of any significant dependence on sample type. The data further suggest that these devices might be simultaneously categorized as either Schottky or p-n junctions. More importantly, the results of this study demonstrate the manner in which band-gap engineering can optimize these devices while emphasizing the important role of the junction morphology.Item Buckling Instabilities of Nanoscale Polymer Films and Colloidal Particle Layers(North Dakota State University, 2015) Gurmessa, Bekele JemamaNanoscale polymer films have numerous potential applications such as protective coatings, flexible electronics, energy harvesting devices, and drug delivery systems. For realization of these potential applications, the mechanical properties of these materials and the underlying physics need to be understood. This dissertation focuses on understanding the responses of nanoscale films to mechanical deformations. In this regard, an elastic instability was exploited to locally bend and impart a local tensile stress in a nanoscale polystyrene film, and directly measure the resulting residual stress caused by the bending. Our results indicate that the onset of permanent deformation for thin polystyrene films is an order of magnitude smaller than what has been reported for the bulk value. In addition, not only is the onset of failure strain found to be small but also it increases with increased confinement. Using similar processing techniques, the yield strain of a more complex material - poly(styrene-b-divinylpyridine) - was studied. Similar to the polystyrene films, failure in polystyrene-b-poly(2-vinylpyridine) is also initiated at extremely low strain and is influenced by thin film confinement effects. In addition, we have demonstrated that internal nanostructure of self-assembled polystyreneb- poly(2-vinylpyridine) affects the onset of failure strain. Having introduced an idealized heterogeneity to a sample through ultraviolet/ozone treatment, we have created samples ranging from continuous thin films to sets of isolated plates. We demonstrated that, when subjected to mechanical deformation, the unbounded plates form isotropic undulations that persist even beyond high strain. In contrast, isolated plates undergo non-isotropic undulations in the range of high strains. The non-isotropic undulation shape has been described through a simple numerical modeling subjected to controlled boundary conditions. The agreement between experiment and numerical modeling is remarkable. Finally, through an integrated experimental methods and theoretical modeling, the response of discrete colloidal layers to mechanical deformations have been exploited. The buckling profiles measured experimentally demonstrate a great insight that the continuum model may not be able to predict the response of discrete systems. Theoretically, a granular model was constructed and structural stability analysis was investigated to predict the experimental observations. The overall agreement of the experiment and the modeling was good.Item Properties of Reinfoced Carbon Nanotube and Laser-Crystallized Silicon Films(North Dakota State University, 2016) Semler, Matthew RoyFlexible electronics are anticipated to be one of the next technological advancements of electronic devices. The enhanced durability, light-weight nature, and conformity of flexible electronics are desired properties in a variety of fields and are anticipated to reduce production costs. Two promising materials for use in flexible electronics are carbon nanotube (CNT) films and laser-crystallized thin silicon films. CNTs are in their infancy in respect to their presence in electronic devices; however their superb mechanical and electronic properties make them ideal candidates for flexible electronics. Thin silicon films are a natural transition from bulk silicon as bulk silicon has been the preferred material in electronics since the dawn of the transistor. Thin-film silicon retains the well-studied electronic properties of bulk silicon; however, it becomes flexible as it is thinned. Obstacles to the application of both these materials in flexible electronics nonetheless exist. Compressed CNT films undergo strain softening – a mechanism in which the CNT film restructures itself in response to an applied strain, which reduces the Young’s modulus and electronic conductivity. In this dissertation, thin CNT films are capped with a thin polymer layer, with the aim to mitigate strain softening through excluded volume interactions in a bilayer format that serves as a paradigm for more sophisticated device relevant settings. More specifically, metallic and semiconducting CNT films of different thicknesses are capped with a polystyrene film of comparable thickness, and the mechanical and electronic strain response of the capped CNT film is examined and discussed. Ultrathin silicon films cannot be grown as monocrystalline silicon, so amorphous silicon films must be deposited and crystallized. Laser crystallization is an alternative to oven annealing and has a faster throughput. In this dissertation, amorphous silicon films of various thicknesses were deposited on several substrates via plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The films were crystallized with a pulsed Nd:YVO4 laser operating at the third harmonic of 355 nm, and the structural and electronic properties were characterized to determine the effects of film thickness and substrate composition.Item Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Thin Films: Processing Measurement and Methodology(North Dakota State University, 2016) Waters, Alex John BrownAs society advances to desire smaller, faster, and cheaper electronics along with stronger materials, the search for novel materials continues. Thin films made from single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) offer a possible solution to many of the challenges that materials scientists currently face. Here, a methodology for studying the deformation of thin SWCNT films is investigated during their processing for use in applications such as photovoltaic devices. A variety of methods for manipulating and visualizing these thin films are discussed, along with the setbacks encountered along the path to improving process characterization.Item A Novel Macroscopic Technique to Measure the Nanomechanics of Durable Multifunctional Nanosheets(North Dakota State University, 2017) Taufique, Abu Md NiamulIn the recent advancement of nanotechnology, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have shown promise and potential for a wide variety of applications due to their excellent mechanical, electrical, and optical properties. A network of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is of interest due to its potential applications in flexible electronics, composites, constructional materials, and so on. Characterizing the mechanical properties of these thin films will be critical to achieving a full understanding of their behavior, yet relatively few experimental methods exist for querying the deformation mechanics of these films. To provide additional insight into the large-deformation mechanics of these films, we propose a novel method for evaluating the mechanical properties of thin SWCNT films. We provide theoretical background, describe the experimental approach, and use a MATLAB based analysis to extract the film modulus. Finally, we compare our results to existing wrinkling-based measurements, where we find reasonable agreement between the two techniques.Item Electrostatic Interactions at Dielectric Interfaces: From Colloids to Membranes(North Dakota State University, 2017) Volpe Bossa, GuilhermeIn this thesis we have investigated electrostatic interactions at dielectric interfaces using theoretical models based on the non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann theory and its extensions. We have focused on three major topics: (1) modeling the energetics and interactions of charged nanoparticles trapped at the air-water interface; (2) calculation of the line tension between domains in charged lipid membranes, lipid-lipid correlations, and how membrane curvature is influenced by charged peptides; and (3) extensions of the classical Poisson-Boltzmann theory by accounting for the influence of ion-specific solvent-mediated interactions. More precisely, ion-specificity has been accounted for using the Poisson-Helmholtz-Boltzmann formalism, which adds to the bare Coulombic interactions a Yukawa-like potential that accounts for the interacting hydration shells of ions. Motivated by recent experimental and computational results, all projects present here aim to provide a deeper understanding of fundamental physical properties of charged dielectric interfaces.Item Free Energy Minimization and Multicomponent, Multi-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Van Der Waals Fluid Mixtures(North Dakota State University, 2018) Ridl, Kent StephenIn this thesis, we develop a general framework for the lattice Boltzmann method to simulate multiphase systems with an arbitrary number of components. Theoretical expectations are easily visualized for binary mixtures, so we focus on characterizing the performance of the method by numerically minimizing the free energy of a binary van der Waals mixture to generate phase diagrams. Our phase diagrams contain very intriguing features that are not well-known in today’s physics community but were understood by van der Waals and his colleagues at the turn of the 20th century. Phase diagrams and lattice Boltzmann simulation results are presented in a density-density plane, which best matches with LB simulations performed at constant volume and temperature. We also demonstrate that the algorithm provides thermodynamically consistent results for mixtures with larger numbers of components and high density ratios. All of the theoretical phase diagrams are recovered well by our lattice Boltzmann method.Item Computational Modeling of Polymer Crowding: Influence of Solvent Quality and Dimensionality on Conformations(North Dakota State University, 2018) Davis, Wyatt JulianThe structure and function of polymers in confined environments, e.g., biopolymers in the cytoplasm, are affected by macromolecular crowding. To explore the influence of solvent quality and dimensionality on conformations of crowded polymers, polymers are modeled as penetrable ellipsoids/ellipses, whose shapes are governed by the statistics of random walks. Within this coarse-grained model, Monte Carlo simulations of two and three-dimensional polymer-nanoparticle mixtures, including trial changes in polymer size and shape, are performed. Penetration of polymers by nanoparticles is incorporated via a free energy cost predicted by polymer field theory. Simulation results of polymer conformation are compared with predictions of free-volume/area theory for polymers in good and theta solvents. Results indicate that dimensionality and solvent quality significantly affect crowded conformation, especially in the limit of small crowders. This approach may help to motivate future experimental studies of polymers in crowded environments, with relevance for drug delivery.Item Guiding Self-Assembly of Functionalized Nanoparticles by Computational Modeling of Effective Interactions(North Dakota State University, 2018) Shah, VijayNanoparticles have attracted much attention because of their unusual physical properties, which allow them to be used in many practical applications. The self-assembly of nanocrystals into crystalline arrays can be facilitated by functionalizing the nanocrystals with ligand brushes, allowing for bulk dispersions to be sterically stabilized against aggregation. Studies have been conducted to study the clustering of gold nanoparticle dispersions. To study the self-assembly of gold nanoparticle dispersions based on nanocrystal volume fraction and ligand coverage, we performed Monte Carlo simulations and characterized the ability of the nanoparticle dispersions to self-assemble into crystalline arrays. Experiments have shown that silver nanoparticles can self- assemble into equilibrium superlattices in the presence of free ligands. To better understand the role of adsorbed and free ligands in self-assembly, we extracted the effective pressure between two flat, ligated plates through molecular dynamics simulations. Our results are compared to the theoretical prediction and discrepancies are discussed.Item Multi-Scale Simulation Methods of Crosslinked Polymer Networks and Degradation(North Dakota State University, 2018) Feickert, Aaron JamesCrosslinked thermoset polymers are used heavily in industrial and consumer products, as well as in infrastructure. When used as a protective coating, a thermoset's net-like structure can act as a barrier to protect an underlying substrate from permeation of moisture, salt, or other chemicals that otherwise weaken the coating or lead to substrate corrosion. Understanding how such coatings degrade, both at microscopic and macroscopic scales, is essential for the development and testing of materials for optimal service life. Several numerical and computational techniques are used to analyze the behavior of model crosslinked polymer networks under changing conditions at a succession of scales. Molecular dynamics is used to show the effects of cooling and constraints on cavitation behavior in coarse-grained bulk thermosets, as well as to investigate dynamical behavior under varying degradation conditions. Finite-element analysis is applied to examine strain distributions and loci of failure in several macroscopic coated test panel designs, discussing the effects of flexure and coating stack moduli. Finally, the transport of moisture through model coatings under cycled conditions is examined by lattice Boltzmann numerical techniques, considering several common concentration-dependent diffusivity models used in the literature and suggesting an optimal behavior regime for non-constant diffusivity.Item Osmotic Swelling Behavior of Ionic Microgels(North Dakota State University, 2020) Alziyadi, Mohammed ObaidThis dissertation studies the thermodynamic and structural properties of aqueous dispersions of ionic microgels – soft colloidal particles composed of cross-linked polymer gels that swell in a good solvent. Starting from a coarse-grained model of microgel particles, we perform computer simulations and theoretical calculations using two complementary implementations of Poisson- Boltzmann (PB) theory. Within the framework of a cell model, the nonlinear PB equation is exactly solved and used to compute counterion distributions and osmotic pressures. By varying the free energy with respect to microgel size, we obtain exact statistical mechanical relations for the electrostatic component of the single-particle osmotic pressure. Explicit results are presented for equilibrium swelling ratios of charged microcapsules and of charged cylindrical and spherical microgels with fixed charge uniformly distributed over the surface or volume of the particle. Molecular dynamics simulations validate the theoretical findings. In the second method, within a one-component model framework, based on a linear-response approximation for effective electro- static interactions, we develop Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to compute the equilibrium swelling ratio, bulk osmotic pressure, radial distribution function, and static structure factor. Results presented in this dissertation demonstrate that swelling of ionic microgels increases with increasing microgel charge and decreases with increasing concentration of salt and microgels. In addition, results demonstrate that the microion distributions and osmotic pressure determine equilibrium swelling of microgels. Cell model predictions for bulk osmotic pressure agree well with data from MC simulations of the one-component model. The MC simulations also provide access to structural properties and to swelling behavior of microgels in highly concentrated suspensions. Taken together, results obtained in this work provide insight into factors of importance for practical use of microgels as drug delivery systems, in tissue engineering, and for other biomedical applications.Item Excited State Dynamics in 1D Thermoelectric Materials(North Dakota State University, 2020) Gima, Kevin VictorHere, nonadiabatic computations are used to study the thermoelectric effect and evaluate electron relaxation rates in lead telluride nanowires. κ_e = 1/τ_el is defined as the electron relaxation rate. It is directly connected to the thermoelectric figure of merit in a material. This work provides computational evidence in support of the proceeding hypothesis. The hypothesis is the electron relaxation rates will comply with the following band gap law: Ke = Aexp(-αΔE), where Ke is the electronic relaxation rate, A and α are constants, and ΔE is the energy difference between the initial and final states. This work reports results on PbTe (lead telluride) atomistic models doped with sodium and iodine that contain approximately 300 atoms in simulation cells with periodic boundary conditions.Item Inspection of Excited State Properties in Defected Carbon Nanotubes from Multiple Exciton Generation to Defect-Defect Interactions(North Dakota State University, 2020) Weight, Braden MichaelCovalent SP3-hybridization defects in single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been prevalent in recent experimental and theoretical studies for their interesting photophysical properties. These systems are able to act as excellent sources of single, infrared photons, even at room temperature, making them marketable for applications to sensing, telecommunications, and quantum information. This work was motivated by recent experimental studies on controllable defect placement and concentration as well as investigating carrier multiplication (CM) using DFT-based many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) methods to describe excitonic relaxation processes. We find that pristine CNTs do not yield appreciable MEG at the minimum threshold of twice the optical gap 2Eg, but covalent functionalization allows for improved MEG at the threshold. Finally, we see that defect-defect interactions within CNT systems can be modeled simply as HJ-aggregates in an effective Hamiltonian model, which is shown to be valid for certain, highly-redshifted defect configurations at low defect-defect separation lengths.Item Single-Molecule Studies of Intermolecular Kinetics Using Nano-Electronics Circuits(North Dakota State University, 2020) Froberg, James StevenAs science and medicine advance, it becomes ever more important to be able to control and analyze smaller and smaller bioparticles all the way down to single molecules. In this dissertation several studies aimed at improving our ability to manipulate and monitor single biomolecules will be discussed. First, we will discuss a study on developing a way to map dielectrophoresis with nanoscale resolution using a novel atomic force microscopy technique. Dielectrophoresis can be applied on nanoparticles through micron-scale electrodes to separate and control said particles. Therefore, this new method of mapping this force will greatly improve our ability to manipulate single biomolecules through dielectrophoresis. The next two studies discussed will be aimed at using carbon nanotube nanocircuits to monitor single protein kinetics in real time. Drug development and delivery methods rely on the precise understanding of protein interactions, thus creating the need for information on single protein dynamics that our techniques provides. The proteins studied in these sections are MMP1 and HDAC8, both of which are known targets of anti-cancer drugs. Finally, we developed a new strategy for diagnosing pancreatic cancer. Our strategy involves using graphene nanotransistors to detect exosomes released from the pancreatic tumor. The ability to reliably diagnose pancreatic cancer before it reaches metastasis would greatly improve the life expectancy of patients who develop this condition. We were able to test our technique on samples from a number of patients and were successfully able to distinguish patients with pancreatic cancer from noncancerous patients.Item A Density Functional Theory and Many Body Perturbation Theory Based Study of Photo-Excited Charge Separation in Doped Silicon Nanowires with Gold Leads: Toy Models for the Photovoltaic Effect(North Dakota State University, 2020) Walker, Nathan ThomasWe analyze a toy model for p-n junction photovoltaic devices by simulating photoexcited state dynamics in silicon nanowires. One nanowire is approximately circular in cross section with a diameter of d = 1.17 nm. The other has an approximately rhombic cross-section with d1 = 1.16 nm and d2 = 1.71 nm. Both nanowires have been doped with aluminum and phosphorus atoms and capped with gold leads. We use Boltzmann transport equation (BE) that includes phonon emission, carrier multiplication (CM), and exciton transfer. BE rates are computed using non-equilibrium finite-temperature many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) simulations, including excitonic effects from Bethe-Salpeter Equation. We compute total charge transfer amount generated from the initial photoexcitation and find an enhancement when CM is included. In particular, we see between 78% and 79% enhancement in the smaller wire, while we see 116% enhancement in the larger nanowireItem Synthesis of Small Silicon Carbide Nanocrystals in Low Pressure Nonthermal Plasma(North Dakota State University, 2021) Petersen, Reed JeffreyNanoparticles have attracted much attention because of their unusual physical properties. This work represents original, incipient research into small crystalline silicon carbide nanoparticles synthesized in a low-pressure nonthermal plasma reactor. The nonthermal plasma technique offers a route for size-tunable synthesis of high-purity silicon carbide nanocrystals. Even though it has a high sublimation point, silicon carbide is synthesized in crystalline form in a nonthermal plasma reactor since nanoparticles are intensely heated by exothermic surface reactions on a nanoscale level. Using vaporized tetramethylsilane as a precursor and molecular hydrogen as an additive, both silicon carbide and silicon- or carbon-coated silicon carbide were created. Since plasma synthesis is a ligand-free process and charges on particles prevent agglomeration, silicon carbide is soluble in short-chain alcohols.