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dc.description.abstractIssues of German congregational publications, mostly though Yankton and Redfield, South Dakota: "Der Kirchenbote", 1920-1948, "Christian Messenger", 1943-1948, "YCST Bulletin", 1939, and the "American Observer", 1941; Sunday school lessons, 1921-1948; almanacs and calendars, 1913-1945; and other booklets and publications that belonged to the Fred and Lydia (Flaig) Hiller family.
dc.titleFred D. & Lydia (Flaig) Hiller Collectionen_US
dc.typeFinding Aiden_US
dc.descriptionIssues of German congregational publications, mostly though Yankton and Redfield, South Dakota: "Der Kirchenbote", 1920-1948, "Christian Messenger", 1943-1948, "YCST Bulletin", 1939, and the "American Observer", 1941; Sunday school lessons, 1921-1948; almanacs and calendars, 1913-1945; and other booklets and publications that belonged to the Fred and Lydia (Flaig) Hiller family.en_US
dc.creatorHiller, Leighton
dc.creator.authorHiller, Leighton

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