Breaking The Mold: Exploring the Recreation of Fitness Design in a Natural Setting
Since the beginning of time, mankind has maintained a profound connection with their physical fitness and the World around them. However, modern day practices are distrupting these formerly innate behaviors.
The lethargic lifestyles of the 21st century are a direct reflection of the obsession over constant commodity and innovation. Perhaps it is time to address this issue, with the health and wellness of the planet and its inhabitants depending upon it.
The purpose of this project is to design a public fitness center because, as people age, they are getting less: physical activity, social interaction and exposure to the exterior environment.
Current exercise facilities perpetuate this phenomenon, by
intimidating and overwhelming its users, imposing a false sense of judgement within the isolated space.
Thus, the aim of this design, is to break the mold of a typical
fitness center, inspiring users to physically and socially interact with eachother and the environment, by providing dynamic
opportunities to move throughout the site and building as one.