Supplementation of Corn Dried Distiller's Grains Plus Solubles to Gestating Beef Cows Fed Low-Quality Forage
To investigate the effects of corn dried distiller’s grains plus solubles (DDGS) supplementation to cows during late gestation, 27 multiparous beef cows were divided randomly into 2 treatment groups (CON; n = 15; SUP = DDGS at 0.3% of BW; n = 12). Supplemented cows gained BW (P < 0.01) while CON cows tended to lose BW (P = 0.06). A main effect of treatment (P = 0.02) and day (P < 0.01) was observed for total uterine blood flow (BF). Calves born to SUP cows tended to be heavier than calves born to CON cows (P = 0.06). Both groups gained (P < 0.01) BW with advancing lactation. Supplementing DDGS altered voluntary feed intake, cow body maintenance, uterine and mammary blood flow, and calf weaning weights. Results suggest an influence on overall maternal metabolism and nutrient flux to the fetus.