Now showing items 229-248 of 779

    • Designing for Memory Loss 

      Biegert, Mary (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      We all live with the fact that someday our loved ones will need to have help with day to day life and that we will too. As of right now there is a generally negative feeling towards moving out of one’s home and into an ...
    • Designing for Outsiders: Building a Sustainble Future for Keaau 

      Meyer, Christina (North Dakota State University, 2020)
      How tolerant are we of people outside our community? Our ingrained instincts drive us as humans to seek positive interactions, to feel accepted and appreciated, to find purpose to help us thrive as individuals and as a ...
    • Designing for Shared Spaces: An Approach to Enhancing Animal Welfare and Foster Human-Animal Connections Through Compassionate Design 

      Nyseth, Isabella (North Dakota State University, 2024)
      The provided research conveys the problems being faced in animal shelters that were influenced by COVID-19 and how it impacted the overcrowding rates driven by the rise in pet relinquishment numbers and lack of social ...
    • Designing for the Decades 

      Baierl, Samantha (North Dakota State University, 2017)
      This thesis explores how the physical environment, through spaces and their connections, can positively impact the overall wellness and productivity of senior citizens. This thesis aims to prove the level of engagement ...
    • Designing for the Montessori Method of Education 

      Nagel, Jennifer (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      How can architecture improve the health and well-being of students in the learning environment? Can we as designers use the Montessori child-focused approach to learning and apply it to architecture for children’s ...
    • Designing for the Senses 

      Gough, Nathaniel (North Dakota State University, 2010)
      The typology for this project will be a school for the blind. The blind and visually handicapped have the right to be able to navigate effortlessly through the built environment. It is our job as designers to ensure the ...
    • Designing Inclusively: Innovative Design Strategies for Inclusive Accessibility in the Built Environment for the Blind and/or Deaf 

      Becker, Camille (North Dakota State University, 2023)
      Individuality, freedom, and a chosen lifestyle improves with enough space for people to live with confidence and safety. This equitable value is not one which someone who is blind and/or deaf tends to benefit from. These ...
    • Designing Through Disaster 

      Peterson, Lauren (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      This thesis project is about how we can provide a cost and time effective source of emergency housing for those just affected by a natural disaster. Natural disasters rarely have a warning signal to them, and even when ...
    • Destined: The Evolution of airports through futuristic adaptation. 

      Schuldt, Aaron (North Dakota State University, 2017)
      Throughout time, humans have considered ourselves nomads, moving from place to place. We seek new horizons of perception, confined only by the bonds of gravity holding us to the face of the earth. Recently, we have stretched ...
    • Developing a Dialectic 

      Greenwood, Brittany (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      This project, titled Developing a Dialectic, began as an analysis of the tangible evidence of time within a built environment, specifically the changing paths on which we experience our cities and the objects and spaces ...
    • Developing Architectural Methods through Local Built Heritage: a Performing Arts Center in Torres, Brasil. 

      Baierle, Gabriela (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      Southern Brazilian vernacular building methods contain knowledge that is unique to that particular area of the world. With the implementation of modern techniques and the usage of intuitive design processes, a designer can ...
    • Development of the Youth 

      Bickel, Jeremy (North Dakota State University, 2013)
      This thesis presents research on the benefits well designed youth centers can have on children as they grow into adulthood. The typology of this project is a center for the study of children maturation. The site is in ...
    • Die Spaltung und Zerschmetterung: Preserving Traces of History 

      TerSteeg, Ryan (North Dakota State University, 2018)
      How can a structure of war be transformed into a new architectural experience without detracting from the historic significance of the building? And how is this historic significance embedded in the architecture? This ...
    • Digital Library of Duluth 

      Hillukka, Daniel (North Dakota State University, 2011)
      The underlying concept for this thesis is the beginning of discussion overtly looking at how computing technology is used by architects today. The discussion will center around critical analysis of uses of software in ...
    • Digital Media Lab 

      Kohlhase, Derek (North Dakota State University, 2006)
      The project typology for this design thesis will be a research and technology park in conjunction with the University of Minnesota and the design profession as a bridging facility for the advancement of digital techniques ...
    • Digital Oasis 

      Davy, Daniel (North Dakota State University, 2012)
      This thesis approaches the issue “As technology further develops our abilities to communicate across distance, what role will public space play, if any, in the future shaping of our cities?” The Theoretical Premise/ Unifying ...
    • Dignity and Design: Architecture for the Vision and Hearing Impaired 

      Hanson, Shannon (North Dakota State University, 2016)
      This thesis is aiming to design better for those with hearing or sight loss. Since these are sensory disabilities they directly affect the way in which people experience architecture. With the numbers rising of people ...
    • Disassemblable Architecture for Rural Communities 

      Harpstead, Kolby (North Dakota State University, 2010)
      Title: Disassemblable architecture for rural communities Introduction: Our society today has been experiencing a mass migration within its own borders. People are leaving the economically stale rural communities for ...
    • Disconnect to Reconnect: Using Architecture and Master Planning to Aid in Personal Connection With Nature 

      Zitzow, Daniel Harrison (North Dakota State University, 2023)
      Technology is rooted in our society from a very young age, everywhere you look a child has some electronic device in their hands, impacting their lives. This is not necessarily a good thing for development and presents an ...
    • Display Setup 

      Mork, Jarrett (North Dakota State University, 2016)