Browsing Architecture Theses by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 779
Adapting an icon : adaptive reuse of downtown movie theaters
(North Dakota State University, 2015)Downtown theaters serve as landmarks for many communities across our region because of their unique design features. Elaborate auditoriums, decorated facades, and flashy, grand marquees are all iconic characteristics of ... -
Adapting the City
(North Dakota State University, 2012)The title of this thesis is “Adapting the City Center” and explores the question of how do the long-term effects of rapid housing development at Fargo, North Dakota’s perimeter compare to those of adaptive reuse, interwoven ... -
Adaptive Architectural Value Engineering: A Study of Influencing Factors
(North Dakota State University, 2018)A study to define value, and define it as a critical variable in domestic residential design and construction, by the use of evaluation of adaptive symbolic models using designer controlled endogenous and external exogenous ... -
Adaptive Architecture: Design for a Declining Global Population
(North Dakota State University, 2010)In the face of a declining human population, our ability to plan for and adapt to future circumstances will be essential if we, as a global community, are to not only preserve our built environment, but also ensure its ... -
Adaptive Learning Center
(North Dakota State University, 2012)The title of the thesis is Adaptive Learning Center. The building is located in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado and is a 14,000 sq. ft. facility. The typology for this building is an environmental learning center/visitor ... -
Adaptive Re-Use of the American School Bus
(North Dakota State University, 2024)This project explores the alternative needs of modern nomadic living. Rather than living life with the focus of the collection of things, 21st century nomadism places a focus on experiences and stories. This project will ... -
Adaptive Reuse: Repurposing a Vacant College Campus for New Occupancy
(North Dakota State University, 2024)Adaptive reuse has been a design strategy in buildings existing for centuries. The adaptation of a building, also known as recycling or conversion, is the process of reusing an existing building other than what it was ... -
Adaptive Thinking
(North Dakota State University, 2023)The LEED Green Building Rating System was founded in 1993 and officially launched in 1998. Since then LEED’s goal has been to certify buildings that save money, improve efficiency, lower carbon emissions and create healthier ... -
Additive + Subtractive: Reimagining the Work of a Mid-Century Master
(North Dakota State University, 2017)How do we build upon someone else’s work in a thoughtful and meaningful way while respecting the original character of their work? The challenge is even greater when the designer and architecture are known around the world ... -
Aeronautical destinations
(North Dakota State University, 2014)One can arrive at as many as three or more airports on the way to their destination with two layovers during the trip, KFAR to KMSP to KSLC to KPSP for example. How can an airport design be more than just a vehicle for ... -
Aesthetogenesis: Designing a Healthier City
(North Dakota State University, 2021)Experimental cities and theoretical exercises may seem inconsequential to the realities of today but they can shed light on how future developments and practices can be implemented. The technology exists to heal the ... -
Ag Zero: Architectural Design + Midwest Agriculture
(North Dakota State University, 2021)The Urban Architecture communities and the Rural Agricultural Communities have been separated for so much of history. The profession of architecture can stretch far beyond just the typical urban environment. The ... -
Air and Space Museum of Minnesota: A Recreation of History Through Architecture
(North Dakota State University, 2005)At 10:35 am, December 17, 1903 for a mere 12 seconds, changed our future forever. The discovery of flight was one of the greatest accomplishments during the 20th century and should be celebrated in such a way. The ... -
Aletheia & The Unforgetting of Language: The International Rare Books Library of New York
(North Dakota State University, 2016)A language dies every two weeks somewhere in the world. (Crystal, 1999). With increasing economic integration on national and regional scales, people find it easier to communicate and conduct business in the dominant ... -
Alexander Cancer Treatment and Research Center: Transformational Healing Through Atmospheric Architecture
(North Dakota State University, 2022)The aim of this thesis is to study the cognitive effects of architectural design specifically related to patient care in architecture. Much of architecture today is based upon efficiency, potential profit, and aesthetics ... -
Algorithmic Design and Architectural Machines
(North Dakota State University, 2018)What is our relationship with technology? As designers, we sit on the precipice between the abstract and the alien; between meaningful imagination and reductive otherness. With the permeation of algorithmic software in the ... -
Alpine Impact: Improving Functionality When Structure Is Impacted By Maximum Stresses
(North Dakota State University, 2013)This Thesis will explore how a design solution specific to its geographic location is impacted by natural forces of that region. By providing a proper design solution to accommodate for training and operation of search and ... -
Alzheimer's Remediation Center: Architecture for Research Innovation and Treatment
(North Dakota State University, 2013)“Alzheimer’s Remediation Center: Architecture for Research Innovation and Treatment” addresses the question, “How can perceived spaces within a structure affect memory retention?” The Typology from which to examine this ... -
Amalgamation: Exploring the Context of Health and Nature of Liberia
(North Dakota State University, 2024)As a developing country, Liberia still faces significant gaps in essential services. About a year and a half ago, my mother explained, a loved one of hers passed due to health complications and couldn't receive help because ... -
The American Conversation
(North Dakota State University, 2016)The transparency between the political and public realm is currently a blurred perception today. My architectural objective isn’t to influence or convince you to ultimately believe in particular political ideals. It is ...