Now showing items 41-60 of 196

    • Resilience: Cooperation of Social and Ecological Systems 

      Corrigan, Patrick (2011)
      Within recent years there has been a monumental awareness put towards environmental sustainability and resilience in response to the effects of humankind's continued imposition on existent ecological processes. Whether ...
    • Reed Street Yards - Milwaukee, Wisconsin 

      Leininger, Bryan (2011)
      This project is meant to explore the idea of low carbon development in cities post global peak oil. Milwaukee, like many other Rust Belt cities across the United States, has passed its industrial peak and today is left ...
    • Sustainable Lakeshore Development : Integrating Lakeshore Ecosystems into the Urban Environment 

      Kramvik, James (2011)
      This project is meant to explore sustainable lakeshore design ideas within private and public community property that share a common water body resource. A community surrounding a water body forms a social-ecological ...
    • Urban Endemics: Protecting Imperiled Species 

      Sagvold, Jodi (2011)
      This thesis project will explore the requirements for a botanical garden and associated grounds, within the city of Fargo, North Dakota. A key element includes the addition of micro-climates suitable for the introduction/ ...
    • Sustainable Growth and Redevelopment of Wadena: Evoking a Meaningful Change 

      Jones, Adam (2011)
      The general public often delude themselves into thinking that the landscapes we design are implicitly sustainable, though they frequently are not. We, as designers, must make known, and take responsibility for, the ...
    • the THIRD: Space of Place in Transit-orientated Development 

      Johnson, Alex (2012)
      This thesis project introduces an urban design concept into the residential suburb of New Hope, Minnesota, connecting social interaction and movement to the hub of the city center. It will illustrate the notion that suburban ...
    • Hollowed Ground 

      Gustafson, Danielle (2012)
      This research explores how to enhance relationships between wetlands and toxic mining sites using phytoremediation. By creating a site that is interactive for visitors, it is intended to educate and enrich their experiences ...
    • Isolated Urban Places & Spaces: A Rails-With-Trails Solution (Fargo, ND) 

      Bossert, Alex (2012)
      This thesis focuses on exploring the question: how can a pedestrian trail along an active railway corridor unite several isolated areas of a city? The typology for exploring this project is an urban railway system that ...
    • Creating Celebrations, Food, and Spaces 

      Hansen, Ashley (2012)
      The city of Minneapolis, Minnesota in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood currently has one community garden dedicated to children. The neighborhood is one of the poorest in the city and is very ethnically diverse. With the ...
    • Heritage | Heart of the Community 

      Pojanowski, Christa (2012)
      This thesis explores small urban city revitalization. When small cities outlast the function of their own infrastructure, city revitalization needs to focus on how the city is functioning overall. City infrastructure is ...
    • Sustainable Lakeshore Tourism 

      Bishop, Adam (2012)
      This thesis examines the importance of urban lakeshore waterfronts for they are merely large wetlands, that play a crucial role in maintaining eco-balance, protecting bio-diversity, and replenishing underground water ...
    • Resurgent Ecologies: A Blue Design 

      Lott, Samantha (2012)
      This thesis explores a waterless neighborhood in Las Vegas. “Blue design” explores water conservation efforts through design and community planning. The intent of this project is to identify new and innovative ways to ...
    • Growing Green with Phytoremediation 

      Witz, Kyla (2012)
      This thesis is premised on the basis that students benefit from both theoretical and practical applications. In this project, I have created an outdoor, interactive space that demonstrates the intersection between the ...
    • On the Fringe 

      Eggert, Steven (2012)
      When communities fail to plan, there is no institutional framework where development can progress. This leaves little opportunity for expansion or modification based on changing needs. The establishment of a common vision ...
    • Reconnecting to a Forgotten River: An Ecological Solution 

      Hanson, Aaron (2012)
      Waterways are a vital and productive resource to our environment. Rivers provide a variety of amenities and services to communities across the world such as drinking water, food, travel, recreation, wildlife habitat, ...
    • Improving Physical Health 

      Mauel, Sarah (2012)
      Urban environments designed with the pedestrian as the primary user encourage more physical activity and promote lifelong physical health. The obesity rate in the United States for adults “eighteen and older tripled from ...
    • An Underwater Approach 

      Steffen, Travis (2012)
      “An Underwater Approach” is a series of theoretical premises that will develop into a master plan design. City planning and community involvement projects will be targeted at improving viability and awareness in an ...
    • Healing an Environment and Feeding a Population 

      Pai, Mohan (2012)
      The intent of this design thesis is to examine a sustainable solution for an urban plan in southwest Fargo that includes using urban agriculture as a tool to encourage recycling gray water and promoting a solution to the ...
    • Unwanted Inevitability 

      Sager, Zachary (2012)
      According to the USDA, The upper midwest as well as the rest of the regions of the United States have been in a climatic wet-cycle since 1993. Excess precipitation has lead to increased flood likliness. In many countries ...
    • Seattle's Urban Water 

      Kroll, Zerek (2012)
      The issue of stormwater runoff is a major threat to the water supply of Seattle, Washington. Continual rain and great expanses of impervious surfaces cause contamination and pollution to riddle the waters of the Puget ...