NDSU Libraries — Institute for Regional Studies & University Archives — North Dakota Biography Index

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North Dakota Biography Index

Results: 9 records
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Biography Index Records
Last Name First Name Title Born Died Publication Institute Call Number Page No Illustration
Brehm Dora 1870 Pioneer Biography Files, 1936-1940. Bismarck, N.D.: North Dakota Work Projects Administration. Microfilm F635.P56 1988 Benson
Brehm Floyd J. 1924 Atlas of Mountrail County, North Dakota. 1989. Folio G1443.M8.W4 1989 {11} ill.
Brehmer Allen 1996 Wales and surrounding area, 1897-1997 F644.W256 W34 1997 344
Brehmer Emelia Timian 1878 Wales and surrounding area, 1897-1997 F644.W256 W34 1997 344
Brehmer Fred Seventy-fifth Anniversary, Dresden, Cavalier County, North Dakota, 1897-1972. [1972] F644.D73 S4
Brehmer Fred Wales and surrounding area, 1897-1997 F644.W256 W34 1997 344
Brehmer Henry 1977 Wales and surrounding area, 1897-1997 F644.W256 W34 1997 344 ill.
Brehmer Mary Busch Wales and surrounding area, 1897-1997 F644.W256 W34 1997 344
Brehmer Mary Kempel 1919 1994 Wales and surrounding area, 1897-1997 F644.W256 W34 1997 344 ill.
Results: 9 records
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