NDSU Libraries — Institute for Regional Studies & University Archives — North Dakota Biography Index

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North Dakota Biography Index

Results: 4 records
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Biography Index Records
Last Name First Name Title Born Died Publication Institute Call Number Page No Illustration
Clodfelter George Mrs. 1924 North Dakota Necrology. Vol. 4. July 17, 1924 to December 17, 1924. Microfilm CT253.N42 1996 150
Clodfelter George McHenry County: Its History and Its People. 1987. F642.M2 M3 1987 702
Clodfelter Ira McHenry County: Its History and Its People. 1987. F642.M2 M3 1987 702
Clodfelter Jacob McHenry County: Its History and Its People. 1987. F642.M2 M3 1987 702
Results: 4 records
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