Broadway in the 1920s

North from Third Avenue

This enlarged real photograph postcard dates from about 1920. The photographer is looking north on Broadway from 3rd Avenue North. On the west (left) side of Broadway we can see Jones Candies and the R & G Bootery. The next building contains the Hotel Roberts and H. O. Chelness Boots and Shoes. The building has "1902" at the top and "DUNCAN BLOCK" below it. The large vacant lot is where the Fargo Theater will be built in 1925. Further north across 4th Street we can see that the Powers Hotel now has five stories (the upper two were added in 1919, thus helping date the picture).

Proceeding north on the east (right) side of Broadway we can see the Underwood Typewriter store, an unknown store, the Dixon Hotel, and the Strand Theater (which burned in 1923 and again dating the photograph). Across Broadway we see the Fargo Mercantile building and the Ford Building (with the flag atop).