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dc.description.abstractTyped family history concerning the Frank and Barbara (Brach) Wisnewski family. History begins about 1871 and ends in 1897. Includes mention of their early life in Pittsburgh, Pa., coming to N.D. in 1882, their sod house, the cold winters, carrying food supplies from Wahpeton, N.D., prairie fires, hauling wood to construct a roof, their children, working for area farmers, working on the railroad as it expanded, poverty in their early years, threshing, trading horses and oxen, adding rooms to their house, a gift of sheep's wool, and blizzards.en_US
dc.titleFrank Wisnewski Family Recordsen_US
dc.typeFinding Aiden_US
dc.creatorWisnewski, Frank
dc.creator.authorWisnewski, Frank
dc.identifierSC 1928

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