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dc.description.abstractTyped summary of interview with Leonard Sackett concerning her father, John Forest Johnston (d. 1905), native of Scotland, who first worked as a clerk in the Bank of England, and later as a land agent for Gilliot Land Company, Glyndon, Minn. Emigrated in 1860 with wife Mary Anne McIver and family; Mary Anne died 1891. Johnston owned two farms; one was referred to as the Sabin Farm, located near Sabin, Minn., the other was known as the Glyndon Farm, it was north of Glyndon, Minn.en_US
dc.titleAnn Young Johnston Interviewen_US
dc.typeFinding Aiden_US
dc.creatorJohnston, Ann Young
dc.creator.authorJohnston, Ann Young
dc.identifierSC 0543

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