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dc.description.abstractFargo native with long time association with the National League of American Pen Women. The Prudence Gearey Sand Papers consist, for the most part, of her poetry. The collection also contains a few essays by her, a collection of sayings and epigrams by her and others, a small collection of lists that she compiled and a small collection of correspondence. The poetry deals with various topics. There are descriptions of sunrises and of seasons. There are considerations of nature, wisdom, the soul and brotherhood. Some of the poems are very personal, talking about frustrations with other people, her relationship with her mother, and the pain of unrequited love. Mrs. Sand did complete multiple versions of some poems and these poems deal with topics like the nature of life on earth from a rather cosmic perspective, the circumstance of a poor artistic couple, and the changes that the contemplation of nature can bring about.en_US
dc.titlePrudence Gearey Sand Papers, 1918-1955en_US
dc.typeFinding Aiden_US
dc.creatorSand, Prudence Gearey
dc.creator.authorSand, Prudence Gearey
dc.identifierMss 230

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