Now showing items 241-260 of 779

    • Olympic Breath: Keep the Flame Going 

      Vanden Bosch, Rozalind (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      Today’s Olympic Complexes have been left abandoned since they started in 1896. This due to lack of planning for the life of the complex after the games. They were to believe that they could run on the occasional professional ...
    • Sensory Synthesis: Exploring the Integration of Sensory Design in Early Education 

      Reimer, Olivia (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      Autism Spectrum disorder, ASD, is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. It results in social, communication, behavior, and emotional differences. Since ASD is a spectrum there is a large range ...
    • Staging Relationships With History: The Cultural, Natural, and Eternal Ruins of Bears Ears National Monument 

      Wanner, Nathan (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      How can we, as designers of the built environment, use history as a means of transforming the future, here and now? Rooted deeply within the canyons and mesas of the 1.3-million-acre monument in southeastern Utah, ...
    • The Reversible Edge: Traces of Alterity at the Site of Loss, Hart Island, New York 

      Ataelmanan, Musab (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      “We cannot overlook the way in which the Industrial Revolution and its technological consequences have transformed the experience of death in people’s lives.” As discussed by the German Philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer, we ...
    • Designing Emotion 

      Meier, Mitchell (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      This thesis revolves around the question of how can we push and use certain parts of our designs to influence people’s attitudes and reactions to create a better experience for the people who experience our designs. ...
    • Over the Fence: Creating a Symbiotic Relationship Between Sports and Community 

      Kohl, Matthew (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      Baseball is America’s pastime, every game thousands flock to ballparks to catch a glimpse and experience the game at the ballpark, but what makes that ballpark experience? It is more than the game itself, it should be a ...
    • Homesteading in a Modern Society 

      Miller, Macy (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      The ability to homestead has had a diminishing importance as the world becomes more modernized. There is no longer a need to understand what we eat and how it got to our dinner plate. In today’s society, people would ...
    • Healthcare & Architecture 

      Vetter, McKenna (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      Healthcare facilities are often hostile and cold environments for individuals who are just looking for relief in a time of distress and worry. The unifying idea aims to focus on the environment and health. Specifically, ...
    • The Invisible Person 

      Leake, Matthew (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      The concept I chose for my thesis project is a unifying idea focused on community healing and more specifically on helping people in extreme poverty or homelessness. It seems that there is a sizable disconnect in understanding ...
    • Memory and Health 

      Sanders, Luke (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      Throughout the United States long term care facilities have only recently began using design to help their residences gain a better standard of living or even regain some of their independences back. They have begun ...
    • Cutting the Red Tape 

      Boateng, Linda (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      In a lot of cities, there seems to be districts that appeared to be struggling financially and there is a stigma around those areas that no one would want to live there. The housing usually looks subpar and does not fit ...
    • BiodiverCity 

      Darwin, Kelsey (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      With a population of nearly 40 million people, California is the nation’s most populous state. As the largest city in California, and the second largest in the United States, Los Angeles, continues to grow in population. ...
    • Healthy Architecture: Integration of Design Strategies to Promote Positive Mental Health in Hospitals 

      Hovel, Keegan (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      Healthcare facilities are made for healing. Despite this they come with a negative stigma since people attend them for conditions that can potentially be fatal. These facilities should be viewed in a more positive light ...
    • Post Pandemic Shopping 

      Matejcek, Karlie (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      Shopping malls were originally designed to give people the opportunity to socialize and shop within the same environment. The shopping mall concept is extremely important within the urban spacial system, as it connects ...
    • Bentley's Paradise 

      Erickson, Kai (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      Our senses can be some of the most powerful tools we have. Sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste are five simple things that can help make a person’s fictional world come to life. Not only do they help us narrate the ...
    • The Cathedral of Consciousness: The Liminal Dimension of Dreams and Meditative Thinking 

      Todd, Justin (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      This thesis explores how architecture can redefine the human relationship to consciousness and how we experience consciousness itself. Specifically, this project will address different ways to bring participants face ...
    • Designing for the Montessori Method of Education 

      Nagel, Jennifer (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      How can architecture improve the health and well-being of students in the learning environment? Can we as designers use the Montessori child-focused approach to learning and apply it to architecture for children’s ...
    • Cooling Off Social Meltdown 

      Shibuya, Hajime (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      These days many problems are discussed worldwide including the environmental, cultural, and economic fields. Pollutions from industrial exhausts are killing not only the ecological environment but for us, human being. ...
    • Architect Developer: The Maslo - Housing with an Impact 

      Willert, Grant (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      The traditional delivery method of an architectural project as we know is a lengthy, linear process. A client has a vision or parcel of land to develop, and they rely on an architect to make it come to life. The architect ...
    • Continuum 

      Trojan, Joshua (North Dakota State University, 2021)
      As a contemporary society, we pursue sustainability to mitigate environmental unbalance. However, we rarely reflect on the temporal and cyclical nature of our existence, which exposes the premise of sustainability; continuance ...